New World: Huge rush for beta launch, there is much praise – but also criticism


Hundreds of thousands of players and viewers are following the closed beta of Amazon’s MMO. We collect opinions and first reviews

All eyes are on New World right now, hundreds of thousands watched the beta launch on Twitch and Youtube. The Amazon MMO started its test phase on 20 July 2021 and there are already countless opinions from players and viewers: praise, criticism, enthusiasm and great concerns. We collect exciting impressions for you.

What the players praise about New World

Generally, New World is pretty well received at the beta launch, which is not to be taken for granted after the bumpy development. Of course, it is still very early for evaluations, so the opinions are correspondingly varied. Nevertheless, an initial consensus is emerging in some areas, with players praising it above all:

The combat system
: For an MMO, the combat system is quite unusual, for example, you have to aim firearms and swords yourself and dodge attacks with quick rolls – more like what you know from action role-playing games. Comparisons to a “Dark Souls Lite” are made again and again, and many praise how fluid the battles feel. However, many would like to see more noticeable weight, at the moment the hit feedback is still quite unsatisfactory.

Crafting and gathering: Most players seem to like the complex crafting system quite a bit – and those who can’t do anything with it report that it’s easy to ignore, at least at first.

Looks and Setting: New World is set in the 17th century, on a fictional island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The combination of swords, firearms and the supernatural apparently appeals to the majority of players because it is something different from the usual fantasy Middle Ages. The tropical, green forests and pretty towns win a lot of praise.

In New World könnt ihr euch nach Lust und Laune mit euren Mitspielern duellieren.

What the players criticise

The developers themselves have already announced that they have learned a lot from the launch day regarding bugs – of which there were quite a few. In the future, they want to improve significantly in this respect.

In addition to the start-up problems such as overloaded servers, long waiting times and similar failures, the players complain above all:

worries about long-term motivation: This question runs right through the comment columns on Twitch, YouTube and the like – how long will New World be fun? Many here are pessimistic and fear that the game might run out of steam after a short time if there is too little variety in the game. For an MMO, of course, that would be a huge problem. However, it is hardly possible to predict this before the final release.

User Interface: Many would like to see a better layout or options to adapt it to their own needs and would, for example, urgently like to see a mini-map. Others, however, think that it is not necessary for the sake of immersion, because this way you can look around more in the environment.

Problems with high-end GPUs: Several players report that their RTX 3090 burned out during the New World Beta. We have collected the most important information for you here and advise against playing with this graphics card for the time being:

A few player comments.
We have dug through the comments on all the relevant sites and collected some player opinions for you.

Streamer Asmongold writes that he is currently having a lot of fun with New World and takes a side swipe at developer Amazon Games:

“The good thing about New World is when I complain about the game, I can say “trillion dollar company” instead of “billion dollar company. “

Other well-known names like Jack Dunlop (“CouRage”) or SypherPK also praise New World. But of course we also had a look around at normal players. For example, player Steel writes somewhat disillusioned on Youtube:

“The game feels largely the same as it did in the alpha. It’s definitely been polished up and is less edgy, but I got bored after a few hours. I wish the game luck and maybe it can still grow and improve. Not everything is perfect in the beginning, especially in an MMO. I probably won’t be playing in the foreseeable future, but will keep an eye on how the official launch goes and what happens afterwards. I think the game will be pretty bland after the first month, but who knows. “

And Reddit doesn’t spare memes, of course. Especially the sheep that players have to find for a quest cause a lot of ridicule – because hardly anyone finds them:

New World Beta: Day 1 Recap from newworldgame

Now we want to know your opinion! Do you want to participate in the Closed Beta or are you already there? What are your impressions of New World? Let us know in the comments.