Just in time for the launch of New World, many players are stuck in queues because the servers are simply overloaded. We’ll keep you up to date on the latest news.
New World officially launched today and thousands of players are happily roaming the virtual expanses of the new adventure playground – at least in theory. In practice, the situation is unfortunately different at the moment, because most buyers can’t even get into the game at the moment, but are stuck in the queue.
The servers are currently overloaded. A phrase you hear with many online games on the day of release, and New World is unfortunately no exception.
Would you like to use the unloved waiting time to prepare yourself optimally for your adventure? Then we recommend you take a look at our comprehensive overview with all the information on New World:
New World: What you should know before the Amazon MMO’s release
New World Launch: What is the current situation?
Update – 5:00 p.m.: Just in time for the end of the day for many budding adventurers, we do the check: What do the queues look like in the meantime, are the servers still down or is everything working in the meantime?
The sad answer: Unfortunately no, the servers are still far too full to grant access to all players. In the meantime, there are even people who are in a waiting position beyond 11,000. The situation is also particularly annoying for people who finally found themselves on 1 after a long wait, only to be kicked out with an error message and end up at the back of the queue again.
Werden die maximalen Spieler pro Server erhöht? Mit nur nem Cap von 2000 wird das echt nix :/
— Nekatus (@Nekatus) September 28, 2021
The developers are aware of the situation and are holding out the prospect of more servers to fix the problems. Apparently the servers are designed for a maximum of 2000 players at a time. If this limit is true, it would be no wonder that a lot of patience is still required, especially in Europe. After all, no servers are down at the moment, which would further aggravate the situation.
Update – 13:45: Once again, more servers are being added for our region, as the developers announced in the forum and via Twitter: Aaru, Gladsheim, Pyrandia, Vaikuntha and Panchaia. Now we can only hope that the queues will finally become noticeably shorter as a result.
⚠️Wir haben soeben zwei weitere Welten mit deutscher Sprachempfehlung eröffnet!
✅VimurAktuelle Liste: https://t.co/5UVXeXvmm4
— New World DE (@PlaynewworldDE) September 28, 2021
Update – 13:20: The servers are no longer down, but the queues are still long. Even the two servers for Germany, Vimur and Thrudheim, which were switched on around noon, could not change this – the queues for these two servers are also close to the 2000 mark.
Update – 11:20 a.m.: In the meantime, all German-language servers are back online. However, the long queues have hardly improved, if you look at the reactions in the social media. We have asked the responsible press office if and how they want to improve the situation and will keep you informed!
Update – 10:25am: All EU servers will be restarted at 10:30am! The only exceptions are the servers Baltia, Tanje, Amenti, Ravenal, Utgard, Albraca, Hellheim and Hades. The developers just announced this in the official forum. A downtime of about 15 minutes is expected.
Update – 10am: As the developers announced via Twitter, the Twitch integration in the game has been deactivated for the time being as they have encountered problems – whether these are related to the server load is unclear.
⚠️Wir haben ein Problem im Zusammenhang mit unserer Twitch-Integrationsfunktionalität festgestellt. Während wir dieses Problem untersuchen und beheben, haben wir die Funktion vorübergehend deaktiviert (ausgegraut).
— New World DE (@PlaynewworldDE) September 28, 2021
More and more players are complaining that servers are being put into maintenance mode without warning and they suddenly flew out of the queue after holding out for a long time.
Original message: Those who want to play New World need a lot of patience at the moment. The queues are in the four-digit range, on the Utgard server it was even possible to break the 10,000 mark for a short time. Therefore, impatient players can only prove their virtual stamina and watch one of the streams on Twitch Some streamers have already found their way into the game and can get started – by the way, there is said to be no preferential whitelisting.
Some servers have already temporarily capitulated under the onslaught and stopped their service completely, at least for a short time, such as Utgard, Albraca and Learad. The situation will probably only improve when the server capacities are expanded. The current server status can be seen here

Approximately how long do I have to wait? If you are also in the queue, you are probably most interested in how long you will have to wait. There is no precise conversion of the queue position into the required waiting time, but we try to give you at least a rough direction:
One player reported that it took him 30 minutes from position 7200 to 6600. That would mean about 20 seats per minute. But as I said, this is only a guideline that also depends on what the technicians are doing in the background on the servers.
How the players react
No surprise: Many players are annoyed by the server problems, even if one could already guess it given the experiences with previous online games. Comparisons to Blizzard have been made frequently in the social media – after all, the US developer is almost famous for its technically faltering releases. Who doesn’t remember the famous Error 37 from Diablo 3?
Twitter user astropunk aptly sums up the current situation for most players with a GIF:
🚨 Die Welten in Europa sind LIVE!
⚠️…keine Alphas mehr
⚠️…keine Betas mehr
⚠️…keine Charakterlöschungen mehrEure Zeit ist endlich gekommen, Aeternum FÜR IMMER zu prägen. Wir sehen uns in #PlayNewWorld!
— New World DE (@PlaynewworldDE) September 28, 2021
Our jumpstart to your new adventure
Even if the waiting time is annoying for you – it will come to an end. Until then, we have a few reading tips for you. Thanks to our guides, you can get the most out of your entry into the new world.
PvP in New World: Everything about modes, factions and mass battles
New World Crafting Guide: Everything you need to know about professions and item crafting
New World: How Professions, Skills & Crafting Work in the Amazon MMO