Next scandal: Blizzard prevents unions? – Employees unhappy

Blizzard prevents unions

Criticism of Blizzard is mounting, but now another charge awaits the game developer. Employees accuse the company of deliberately preventing unions from forming.

Activision Blizzard employees are suing the company for coercively preventing the formation of unions. The employees are represented by a labour group called “ABetterABK” (ABK). It is alleged that employees are intimidated whenever they try to form a union.

The reasons behind the complaint

The ABK published a press article explaining that Blizzard’s management is taking measures to prevent employees from forming a union, thus limiting their rights. They demand a fair and diverse workplace for all workers.

However, Blizzard is known to be opposed to the formation of a union. The company seems to respond to such requests with increased surveillance and intimidation of workers.

“The Biden Administration’s National Labor Relations Board has made it clear that companies will be held accountable when they violate the law. We brought this charge to ensure that the actions of ABK management do not go unanswered.”

So far, there has been no response from Blizzard regarding the lawsuit. However, the law firm WilmerHale has been retained by Blizzard. As this law firm is well known for supporting companies that want to prevent unions, there has been renewed criticism from ABK.