Nintendo makes thousands of Mario fans happy in one fell swoop in just 40 seconds


Will you listen to the original catchy tunes or the modernized versions in Super Mario RPG? The great thing is: You have a choice of both anyway!

Beware the Forest’s Mushrooms, Let’s Go Down the Wine RiverThe Road Is Full of Dangers – the Super Mario RPG once provided so many earworms on the SNES that we issue a strong warning: (Don’t click on this link! )

Ha, you guys did it, didn’t you? Well, it’s your own fault! But don’t worry: in a few weeks you wouldn’t be able to hide from the fantastic songs of the Mario role-playing game anyway. Because on November 17, 2023, the remake will be released for the Switch. And Nintendo has now announced good news via X (formerly Twitter) that will make fans cheer.

Switch between original and remake at any time

Have you got 40 seconds? If so, you can now make up your own mind about how good – or bad – the remastered versions of the iconic soundtracks sound. A tweet from Nintendo of Europe makes it possible:

God, it feels SO GOOD to hear Yoko Shimomura working on a Mario RPG again, absolutely great new arrangements! 👌

A little deeper into the matter goes user (OreoDestroyer93) and also gives praise:

The nice thing is that the old music is all digitally produced and the new music is live orchestra, but both sound fantastic. I’m overcome with nostalgia for the old stuff, but the arrangement of the new track is exactly what the old track would have been if they had used an orchestra back then.

Are you guys looking forward to the Super Mario RPG remake as well? Have you already played the original, or is the remake your first chance to experience Mario’s foray into the RPG genre? What other Nintendo games are you looking forward to in the coming months? We’re excited, so feel free to write us your opinions in the comments!