No Man’s Sky: Frontiers update makes you the mayor of alien villages

No man's sky

New update, new content: No Man’s Sky becomes more of an RPG with Frontiers and even gets proper management and building elements.

The story of No Man’s Sky is simply amazing: After the much-criticised release full of broken promises, the big comeback followed. Since 2016, developer Hello Games has released a whole 17 updates, some of them huge, which gradually expanded the space game into a smorgasbord of diverse content – for all owners at no extra cost.

With the latest free update “Frontiers”, you can now find alien settlements in the completely randomly generated galaxy. As mayor, you can build them yourself and help to give your inhabitants a happy and productive life.

But that is by no means all that Frontiers adds to No Man’s Sky. New space nebulae, hundreds of new building elements and improved combat and destruction effects are only a fraction of the current update. The trailer gives you a compact overview:

How settlement construction works

Players of No Man’s Sky now found their own settlement on a planet of their choice. After that, they largely have free rein over how they want to sweeten the lives of the alien inhabitants.

Own name: As with new discoveries, you give your settlements their own name.

Determine what is built: In a separate menu, you as the “Overseer” determine which buildings are built next, such as farms for more productivity or leisure facilities for relaxation. So from now on there is also a little bit of building game in No Man’s Sky, especially since you profit from the resources you generate.

Defend settlements: The guards don’t like your settlers at all, so attacks are the order of the day. In these events, you can wield the multifunctional tool yourself and fend off the sentinels. Special defence buildings help you to keep the alarm level low.

Settle Disputes: Similar to RimWorld, your inhabitants have their own moods, thoughts and intentions, which sometimes lead to disputes. As an Overseer, you may mediate, pronounce judgements or impose punishments to replenish the settlement’s coffers

In official blog postyou can also find more details about the new features.