Now Bethesda suddenly responds individually to hundreds of negative Steam reviews


The game developer takes the time to respond in detail to fan complaints. However, the response is not as positive as Bethesda might have hoped

Before its release, Starfield was seen as the next big role-playing milestone from Bethesda. Almost three months after its launch, however, the situation is completely different: Tests have penalized the sci-fi romp for numerous gameplay flaws and many fans are also bitterly disappointed.

Bethesda seems to be taking the fans” complaints seriously. Because on (Steam), where Starfield is only on Balanced in the user reviews, the developer studio is taking the extra time to respond to hundreds of negative reviews.

However, they are not thanked for this commitment, quite the opposite: On Reddit, the action is met with ridicule and a pinch of humor.

Fans are not satisfied with the answers

The core problem for the fans is not that Bethesda responds to the reviews – but how the studio responds. This is because many user reviews focus less on the points of criticism made and instead reiterate how ambitious and innovative Starfield is. This leaves many players with the feeling that their own opinion is being misrepresented.

In order to keep it clear, here is a selection of negative reviews condensed to the core statement, followed by Bethesda”s response, which is also summarized:

  • There are always loading screens in the world. – Yes, but please consider the amount of data that has to be procedurally generated. (Source)
  • The world feels empty and boring. – There is so much more to do than just the main mission. Side missions and exploring planets, for example. (Source)
  • Todd told me I could explore space, not fast travel menus! – Given the immense size of Starfield, we thought it would make more sense for you to use the grav drive to travel to other solar systems. (source)

    The list could go on and on. Threads about Bethesda”s action are piling up on Reddit, such as (here) and (here). The developer is targeted in the comments. The user (uses_irony_correctly) for example writes:

    I wrote a negative review for Starfield on Steam and after the developers replied to me and explained why I was wrong, I changed my mind. – Things that have never happened in the history of video games

    Also user (Lolikknight) reacts mockingly to one of the above statements by Bethesda:

    “There may be loading screens between fast travel, but keep in mind that the amount of data for the extensive gameplay that is procedurally generated loads flawlessly in less than three seconds. “

    Consider the amount of data for the extensive gameplay that is procedurally generated when you enter a house.

    Bethesda is following a trend with

    Responding to Steam reviews is apparently becoming increasingly important. Regardless of how you feel about Bethesda”s action, the opinions on Steam are apparently now such an important factor that many studios are responding to the negative voices there. Xalavier Nelson Jr, an indie developer, explains this on X (formerly Twitter):

    Dillon Rogers from publisher New Blood Interactive (agrees with his colleague). He says his company has been doing this for years: Many people will turn their rating around if you let them know you”re working on the problem or helping them fix it. That makes a big difference when it comes to the algorithm.

    It remains to be seen whether all this action will pay off for Bethesda in the end. In any case, Starfield will remain a talking point until the next patches and content updates are released

    What do you think? Bethesda takes the extra time to respond to hundreds of Steam reviews individually. On the other hand, many of the responses do not seem to address the arguments put forward by the fans in any depth. Do you think Bethesda”s commitment is commendable or do you also tend to shake your head and find the campaign pointless?