Number 1 at Next Fest: Steam has a new survival favorite, and it’s from Germany


Enshrouded is a mix of survival and role-playing game with extensive base building. The game advanced to the big highlight at the Steam Next Fest.

Even during Steam Next Fest, Enshrouded was well received by players and topped the list of most played demos.

Meanwhile it made (also Valve officially), no other demo had more players, a great success for developer Keen Games from Germany. However, there were no concrete figures.

This is how popular the demo was

While there are no official numbers, the (TheGameDiscoverCo-Newsletter) dealt with the statistics of Steam Next Fest in detail.

Enshrouded averaged 4,000 to 5,000 concurrent active players a day and peaked at just over 5,300, making it the most successful game of the event, according to TheGameDiscoverCo.

In addition, significantly more players are now following Enshrouded on Steam. TheGameDiscoverCo recorded an increase of over 14,000 new followers in the seven days. With a start of just under 62,000 a growth of just over 23 percent.

But there are also references to the success of the demo from the official side. In the (Top list of most wanted games on Steam) Enshrouded moved up to Place 15 forward.

This offers Enshrouded

If you want to know exactly what Enshrouded is about, we recommend our preview video. Otherwise here comes the short version:

  • Open World with fantasy setting in which there are different biomes, dungeons and many bandits and monsters.
  • As usual for the survival genre you start with nothing. You will have to satisfy your hunger and thirst and make clothes and equipment.
  • Base building, where you can build and furnish everything from a small hut to a large fortress. In the world, you’ll come across NPCs that will find a home in your base.
  • Coop with up to 16 other players. However, you can also go it alone.
  • Roleplaying elements like a leveling system through which you can unlock skills from the areas of melee, ranged combat and also magic.

The best news comes at the end

If you are now annoyed that you missed Enshrouded – don’t worry. The developers announced via Twitter that they will extend the runtime of the demo

Until October22 you can still download the trial version of Enshrouded (free). The download size is just under 30 GB.

Enshrouded was the clear highlight of the event for many players. Have you tried the survival game from Germany during Steam Next Fest? How did you like the game from Keen Games? Do you have any tips for players who want to catch up with it now? What other demos did you check out? Feel free to post your thoughts in the comments.