Oddworld: Soulstorm release date for Xbox confirmed

Oddworld game

Already in the summer, Microids and Oddworld owners confirmed that Oddworld: Soulstorm would be released for the Xbox consoles. Last night they finally announced the official release date. This was accompanied by the start of pre-orders.

The 2.9D platformer Oddworld: Soulstorm has already been available for the PlayStation since April 6. Now it’s about time that gamers on Xbox can also take part in the revolution. Therefore, the official release date of Oddworld: Soulstorm has now been announced. From 30 November 2021, the title will finally be available via the (official website).

In Oddworld: Soulstorm you slip into the role of the Mudokon Abe. The revolutionary leader against his will stands up to the Magog Cartel and frees his fellow creatures from their tormentors. However, it is up to the player’s finesse how many Mudokons can really be freed. The more Mudokons he frees, the more Quarma Abe receives. If Abe collects as much Quarma (karma) as possible, he can unlock positive endings to his story.

In addition, Oddworld: Soulstorm is also about looting. By examining lockers for useful items, you can assemble various weapons that you can use for your further mission.