One of the worst video game films still grosses huge sums 30 years later


In the distant year 1994, a movie masterpiece staged the most moving speech of all time. And it still has an impact today

Despite excellent series such as Arcane or Fallout, there is still a persistent prejudice that video game adaptations are mostly crap. And this prejudice doesn’t come from anywhere: in the 90s and 2000s, various licensed cucumbers were released (by Uwe Boll, for example) that didn’t cast gaming adaptations in a good light at all

Street Fighter from 1994 was regarded for years as a glowing example of how bad such a film adaptation can be. The action flick topped IMDb’s list of the worst films of all time for years

But that’s nonsense, of course.

Street Fighter from 1994 is an absolute milestone in the art of film Jean-Claude van Damme, for example, celebrates the high level of acting for which he is known in one of the most moving speeches in film history:

Street Fighter from 1994 is so good that even today – 30 years later – Capcom is still making a lot of money from it.

Capcom’s latest business figures

At a shareholder meeting, Capcom not only talked about current business figures, but also shared fun facts with those present. Among them was Street Fighter from 1994:

Translated freely, the film shows that the live-action film adaptation from 30 years ago is still raking in millions of yen. At the current exchange rate, we’re only talking about a range of 60,000 to 1,000,000 euros, but for such a curious old relic, that’s still a considerable sum.

How exactly the film made so much money is not mentioned. In Germany, the film is not offered as a subscription on any streaming service, but you only have to pay a few euros to enjoy this classic. So Capcom still owes us a concrete explanation.

Fan Fact: Street Fighter (1994) was so good back then that it even had its own fighting game, a game about a movie about a game, so to speak. Crazy times, those 90’s.