One Piece: Four new villains and their actors have now been confirmed for season 2 of the Netflix series


It’s official: in season 2 of the Netflix series, the Straw Hat Pirates will have to deal with Sir Crocodile’s Baroque agents. The first actors have now been confirmed

Contrary to many expectations, the live-action adaptation of One Piece on Netflix was a complete success. Work is currently underway on season 2 and now four new actors have been announced who will appear in the series as the antagonists of the Straw Hat Pirates.

The four new additions were announced via the official account atX(formerly Twitter). And they are allBaroque agents – henchmen of the evil supervillain Sir Crocodile

This is what Mr. 3, Miss Valentine, Mr. 5 and Mr. 9 look like in season 2 of One Piece

You can find out exactly which actors are playing which roles in the following list:

  • David Dastmalchian(Oppenheimer, Dune)as Mr. 3– has the powers of the Wax Devil Fruit (can create, manipulate and control wax)
  • Jazzara Jaslyn(Warrior, Lioness)as Miss Valentine– has the powers of the devil fruit Kilo Kilo no Mi (can manipulate her own weight and thus become as light as a feather or as heavy as a ton)
  • Camrus Johnson(Quiz Lady, Batwoman)as Mr. 5– has the powers of the devil fruit Bomu Bomu no Mi (can make things explode with a touch)
  • Daniel Lasker(Raised by Wolves)as Mr. 9– has no extraordinary abilities

Is Sir Crocodile already stepping out of the shadows in season 2?

This inevitably means:Season 2 will at least prepare for the appearance of Sir Crocodile and, of course, the big Alabasta arc. The first season already laid the foundation for this when Mr. 7 (Ben Kgosimore) unsuccessfully tried to recruit Zorro (Mackenyu) for Baroque Works.

There’s also a persistent fan theorythat Crocodile was seen for a brief moment long ago. Whether the boss of Baroque Works and thus Mr. 0 will actually appear in season 2 of One Piece is currently unknown. It’s quite possible that Netflix will save his big debut for Season 3, but we’ll at leastget a teaser like the one for Captain Smoker

When season 2 of One Piece will start on Netflix is currently unknown.Shooting is still scheduled to take place in 2024, so a release in late 2025 to early 2026 would be quite conceivable.

How much have you enjoyed the live-action series of One Piece so far? What are your hopes and expectations for season 2? Let us know in the comments!