Out for Titanfall: Why the shooter is now disappearing from all shops

Titanfall Out.

The first Titanfall will no longer be sold and will soon also be removed from all game subscriptions. For years the game suffered from massive hacking problems.

Respawn pulls the emergency brake on Titanfall: The shooter has been permanently removed from sale with immediate effect. At the same time, they assure that the franchise is still part of their DNA and will live on in the future. What’s going on? We explain the tricky situation and the reasons for the cancellation.

All info on the Titanfall sales stop

When will the sale end? From 1 December 2021, Titanfall will be gone from all stores, so you won’t be able to buy it on Steam and the like. On 1 March 2022, the game will also be removed from subscription services such as EA Play.

Can I never play Titanfall again? A small consolation for the active players among you: The servers are supposed to stay online. So owners can still start matches. At least in theory, because Titanfall has been almost unplayable for quite some time.

What reasons does Respawn give? In the official tweet announcing the immediate sales stop, the developer studio does not express a reason. It only affirms how important Titanfall is as a franchise and that it will live on in Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends:

Titanfall’s serious problems

In recent weeks and months, criticism has been raised because Titanfall was sold without warnings, even though the servers were barely accessible most of the time. New players could thus have spent money on a broken game.

Regular DDoS attacks had been crippling the Titanfall servers for years. The hacker or hackers (it could also be a small group) could also blacklist players and much more. These attacks also spilled over to Titanfall 2 again and again.

Since the developers did not get a grip on the problems and communicated little about them for a long time, many Titanfall fans felt neglected. Some started the “Save Titanfall” campaign, some even resorted to illegal measures – we have already reported on this here:

Save Titanfall”: Hackers shut down one of the biggest Steam games in protest

Titanfall currently has between 5 and 7 active players at the same time on Steam most of the time. So it’s probably only a matter of time before the servers are shut down – but at least so far there’s been no announcement about that. Just as little as for a Titanfall 3.