Overwatch 2 reveals brand new hero and roadmap for 2024


Blizzard’s multiplayer shooter has a brand new character and you can play him today! We’ll tell you what’s already known about Mauga

The first announcement of tonight’s BlizzCon: At the opening event, Blizzard unveiled a brand new hero for its multiplayer shooter Overwatch 2: Mauga is the name of the contemporary who looks like he’s straight out of Disney’s animated hit Vaiana.

In addition, there is some new information on the 2024 roadmap. Don’t worry: we have all the information for you. But let’s start with the new hero.

If you’d rather watch footage of Mauga instead of reading, you don’t have to close this tab, you can watch it right here:

Two machine guns for a hallelujah

Not much is known about Mauga yet. But what you can see at first glance: his two impressive machine guns. The trigger-happy journeyman even has names for them: Gunny and Cha Cha. Sounds weird? Oh come on, it’s Overwatch 2! He can use the machine guns either both at the same time or individually to fire more targeted shots

What skills does Mauga have? Three special skills of Mauga were shown. With Overrun Mauga can break through his enemies unchecked after a short charging phase. Cardiac Overdrive is a protective aura with which he takes less damage. Cage Fight is his ultimate, which traps nearby enemies in an area around him and forces them to stand up to him. The highlight: Mauga has unlimited ammunition in the meantime;

Playable from today: You can try out Mauga for free in the game for the entire weekend, from November 3 to 5 inclusive!

Mauga will be released in time for Season 8

New content for 2024: PvP, rewards and maps

That was by no means the end of it. Blizzard has announced or at least teased even more new features for Overwatch 2 that await fans in 2024:

  • New Map: The remake of the Overwatch 1 map Hanamura is coming, called Hanaoka.
  • New PvP mode Clash: Two teams fight for five control points on a map. The teams must therefore decide whether to defend their territory or try to expand it – or ideally both at the same time.
  • Reworked rewards for victorious players
  • Two more new heroes, one of them a Damage Dealer, the other a Supporter.

And that’s not all. We’ll find out what other content Blizzard has planned for Overwatch 2 in 2024 in the coming months. Are you excited about what you’ve just learned? Or would you have liked other or even more new features? Let us know what you think about Overwatch 2 in the comments!