Path of Exile 2: The next big update 0.1.0d has just been released – here are the patch notes


Patch 0.1.0d for PoE2 again delivers dozens of changes. We have summarized the most important new features for you.

Path of Exile 2 has received its next update: Patch 0.1.0d brings a lot of changes again – from new mechanics to bug fixes and general balancing adjustments, everything is included.

We have summarized the patch notes for you and also the highlights.

Important changes in PoE2 Patch 0.1.0d

In this patch, Grinding Gear Games is addressing some core mechanics that should make gameplay fairer and more dynamic.

  • Passive Blocking Mechanics: Blocking now works from all directions, not just from the front. Defensive builds should be pleased about this.
  • Optimized Dodge Rolls: As previously announced, your character’s hitbox will now shrink while you’re dodging, allowing you to get through narrow gaps better and reducing the risk of being trapped.
  • Push Small Monsters Away: Some smaller enemies like the ornate beetles in Keth (Act 2) can be pushed away while dodging – this should make fights a little more comfortable.

Some item tooltips have been improved as well. For example, certain items like Inscribed Ultimatums now show whether they give Ascendancy skill points.

Balance adjustments

Some skills and mechanics have been revised again:

  • Rain of Arrows and Firestorm: These abilities are now limited, which should reduce their superiority against bosses with huge hit zones. However, their efficiency remains unchanged for normal fights.
  • Buffs for Leech and Boneshatter: Health Leech has been strengthened and Boneshatter now hits more reliably.
  • Longer Armor Breaks: Armor Break now lasts 12 seconds instead of 6.

Ultimatum encounters, where you face waves of monsters, have also been redesigned. The balance of bosses and modifiers has been adjusted, and monster density is now more consistent.

New features and convenience features

There are also quality-of-life improvements:

  • Controller improvements: Search in gemcutting and vendor inventories is now possible. There are also updated key assignments for stash management.
  • New Shortcut System: A new CTRL+click shortcut opens the currency wallet faster.
  • Trading on consoles: Players on consoles can now access the trading website directly from the main menu.

In addition to these major changes, numerous bug fixes await you, of course – among other things, the AI of the Witch’s minions has been improved and numerous causes of crashes have been fixed. If you want to read your way through the long list of all changes and fixes, you can find the complete patch notes on the second page of this article.

0.1.0d Patch Notes

General Improvements and Changes

  • The chance to be passively blocked now applies to blockable hits from all directions, not just from the front.
  • Player size is now set to zero units when dodging, rather than one unit.
  • Some smaller monsters can now be pushed while dodging. These include monsters such as the Adorned Beetles in Keth.
  • Labeled Ultimates and Djinn Baryas now indicate whether they award Skill Points upon completing the Chaos Trial or the Sekhemas Domination Trial, respectively.
  • Removed World Map pins for encounters that do not originate from specific locations in areas, i.e. monster drops.
  • Improved the behavior of attacking in place.
  • “Rain of Arrows” and “Firestorm” now have a hit ratio to prevent very large bosses from being completely wiped out. This has little to no impact outside of boss fights with very large hit areas.
  • Leech has been improved.
  • Boneshatter now hits its target more reliably.
  • The duration of Armor Break has been increased to 12 seconds (previously 6).
  • To improve performance, Incinerate now creates circular areas of ignited ground instead of segments.
  • Added CTRL+click keyboard shortcut to open currency exchange at appropriate NPCs.
  • Added a button to travel to the Chaos Proving on the World Map.
  • Added a graphic for Melee Support.
  • Added a 2D graphic for the “Defiance of Fate” unique amulet.
  • Added a new keyword ‘Ascendancy Skill Points’ to describe how to obtain sets of Ascendancy Points.
  • Added search functionality for gemcrafting and vendor inventories when using a controller. The inventory search keyboard shortcuts on controller have also been updated.
  • Added gem cutting restriction option for gamepad.
  • Added recommended supports for Time of Need.
  • Updated suggested supports for Bonestorm.
  • Added an option to open the Trade website to the main menu for consoles.
  • Runes can now be sold to merchants for more gold.
  • Updated the graphics for reserved life and mana.
  • Updated the description of the runes to clarify that they cannot be replaced after being set.
  • Auras and curses that affect resistances of allies or enemies now display values in the skill pop-up.
  • The audio effects for the Kiwi Pet, Chimaera Pet, and Baby Crowbell Pet have been adjusted to reduce their effect in urban areas.
  • Updated the wording of the summoner passive ascension skill “…and Protect Me from Damage” to clarify how it works.
  • Updated the description of “Witch Blast” to clarify that only a single curse will detonate per enemy in its radius.
  • Updated the description of Fiery Death Support to clarify that the supported skill does not have to kill the ignited enemy.
  • Reduced the defense that monsters gain from the Magma Barrier modifier.
  • Striding Goliaths no longer use their suicide attack when they are rare.

Triggering Gems and Energy Gain

  • Gem energy gain was out of whack and it was way too easy to trigger spells from ailments. Part of the problem with the previous system was that when we balanced it to trigger during boss fights, it triggered way too often during clearing. To address this, we are now factoring in “monster power” when calculating energy gain. This means that it is much easier to trigger skills from unique monsters than from normal monsters, but you also encounter many more normal monsters in battle. Another problem was using low-level skills with unconditional debuff applications like Flame Wall to ignite enemies for triggering. To make the source of ignition a roll, we make the energy gain dependent on the strength of the ignition. We have also rebalanced the overall energy gain.

Ultimatum Changes

  • Overall balance improvements across the board with Ultimatum Monsters, Bosses, and Modifiers. Primarily brought outliers that were too difficult into line.
  • The monster density in ultimatum encounters has been made more consistent.
  • Stormcaller runes, globes of blood, heart shackles, and rings of impending doom no longer appear when a player is in an elevator or near the altars in the Vaal Soul Core room.
  • Fixed a bug where player minions could get stuck at the top of the elevator in Trials of Chaos.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where enemies in a group could be prepared to stun or electrocute earlier than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Gemling Legionnaires with the assigned passive skill “Integrated Efficiency Superiority” could lose their three additional skill slots if they were empty when entering a new area.
  • Fixed a bug where party members would resurrect when using WASD input, which could resurrect party members from too great a distance.
  • Fixed a bug where “Found waypoints have a chance to be one level higher” was not working on the Atlas passive tree.
  • Fixed a bug where the Audio Mix setting was not saved when restarting the game.
  • Fixed a bug where one of the minor passive skills in the “Butcher” cluster was not connected to the noteworthy passive skill. It is possible that your passive skill tree was reset if you had this cluster assigned. We apologize!
  • Fixed an issue where you could not open a portal on the riverbank in Cruel difficulty.
  • Fixed a bug where some of Zalmarath the Colossal’s abilities could persist after he died.
  • Fixed a bug where opening a full-screen window during disenchanting could cause the player to be unable to take actions until they logged back in.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some Fire spells, such as Fleeting Dead and Incinerate, to not work properly with Raging Ghosts.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Buffs on you decay slower” effect from the Remarkable Passive skill “Prolonged Assault” and other passives from the “Chronomancer” perk to also apply to debuffs and other effects, as well as to buffs.
  • Fixed a bug where non-reviving minions would generate a Lurid Revel buff when dying in your presence.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Infernalists with the Pyromantic Pact passive skill assigned to them to be considered to be at Low Infernal Flame when they were at 50% of maximum Infernal Flame or below, instead of at 35%.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the world map icon for Candlemass to not update correctly in Cruel.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented gems from being upgraded even when the attribute requirement was met through the gem legionnaire’s “Adaptability” passive skill.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Fiery Death support damage to be incorrect.
  • Fixed a bug where Infusion support gems on herald skills would apply the damage gain as additional elemental damage to all attacks, instead of just the damage from the herald skill
  • Fixed an issue where expedition encounters could not be generated in the Decay map.
  • Fixed an issue where the quality of the Sacrifice skill caused minions 0-5% slower to resurrect, instead of faster.
  • Fixed a bug where the exit portal for the final boss in Trial of the Sekhemas would not visually appear after killing the boss.
  • Fixed an issue where socketed skills that the player did not fulfill the requirements for had no name in the skill menu when using a controller.
  • Fixed a bug where the Stormstorm skill granted by Stormweaver’s Stormcaller Ascension passive would sometimes place the storm under you.
  • Fixed a bug with taking snapshots while using the Crossbow mod “Load an Additional Bolt”.
  • Fixed a bug where the Contagion skill would not spread poison.
  • Fixed a bug where the storm bell could become invisible.
  • Fixed a bug where NPCs in hiding spots would be missing their nameplates when using a controller.
  • Fixed a bug where logging into a guest account on PlayStation 5 could delete the in-game friends list.
  • Fixed a bug where you were sometimes unable to enter your hideout on PlayStation 5.
  • Fixed eight instance crashes.
  • Fixed six client crashes.
  • Fixed a client crash that could occur on Xbox.
  • Fixed three client crashes that could occur on PlayStation 5.