Payday 3: Everything that is known about the co-op shooter

Payday 3 game

Bank robbery in co-op style: The Payday series goes into the third round. We gather all the info on the first-person shooter and the release of Payday 3.

Even after eight years, Payday 2 is still one of the most played co-op shooters on Steam and is constantly updated with new content. In the background, however, developer Overkill Software has been working for some time on the direct successor to the bank robber game: Payday 3.

However, there is no bank truck full of information yet, because publisher Starbreeze is holding back with a big reveal. We summarise all known information and news about the upcoming co-op shooter.

Release: When will Payday 3 be released?

Development of the heist shooter is well underway, but it will be some time before release. Under a co-publishing agreement with Koch Media, Starbreeze plans to release Payday 3 in year 2023

Platforms: What is Payday 3 playable on?

Payday 3 has so far been announced for PC and PlayStation and Xbox consoles. The developers have not yet gone into detail. However, with a release in 2023, it is likely that mainly the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S will be served on the console side.

It remains to be seen whether the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will also receive an implementation. The same applies to a port to the Nintendo Switch.

Story: What is Payday 3 about?

Off to the Big Apple: Unsurprisingly, Payday 3 is also all about heists. The developers revealed in a livestream that this time you will be transported to New York City. Overkill promises that the US city will feel alive. How exactly, however, remains to be seen.

Time-wise, Payday 3 takes place several years after the second part and brings back the characters of the first part: Dallas, Hoxton, Chains and Wolf venture into the criminal everyday life one more time. However, a lot has changed in their lull. Extreme surveillance, huge software giants, cryptocurrencies and the dark web now play a major role. The old hands have to get to grips with this before it opens up completely new possibilities for them.

Gameplay: How does Payday 3 play?

This is still one of the big question marks, as there is no official information on this yet. However, it is likely that the developers will remain true to the basic principles of the predecessors.

In Payday 3 you will also go out in a group of four and primarily plan heists. You can put together your equipment in advance and decide whether you want to remain unnoticed or go for full confrontation. The latter then includes minute-long shootouts with the police, FBI and other task forces who would prefer to take you out of circulation.

Whether and to what extent Payday 3 will once again rely on different talent trees and abilities remains unanswered at the moment.

Trailer: Are there already videos for Payday 3?

There are no revealing videos for Payday 3 so far. Only in an announcement video by the new Koch Media label Prime Matter is there a brief glimpse at the end of the four main characters of the shooter, who are already getting ready in New York City:

Graphic: What will Payday 3 look like?

Due to the lack of image and video material, it is not yet possible to make a definite statement. However, the developers have already confirmed on Twitter that they will be using the Unreal Engine this time. The Diesel Engine, which is clearly getting on in years, is history.

It remains unclear whether this is Unreal Engine 4 or 5. The team is keeping a low profile on this.

What do screenshots and artwork show for Payday 3?

As mentioned earlier, there isn’t much footage of Payday 3 yet, but as part of a livestream celebrating the franchise’s tenth anniversary, Overkill released two artworks showing the direction of the new instalment in the series.

In the first image we see the familiar scenario: the gang is standing on the edge in front of a large bank. A few policemen and civilians can be glimpsed, while cars drive along the street. All is still quiet.

After the robbery, however, things get chaotic: SWAT units try to storm the bank while the robbers shoot from the stairs. Dense smoke forms, small fires can be made out, the street has long since been cordoned off and the remaining civilians have disappeared or are possibly being held hostage

What do you think about Payday 3? Are you looking forward to the co-op shooter or does the scenario leave you completely cold? What new features are you hoping for? Drop us a line in the comments