Pokémon GO!: Ed Sheeran drops by

Pokémon GO! Ed Sheeran

Fans of the mobile game Pokémon GO! can look forward to a special event in the coming week. Grammy award-winning singer songwriter Ed Sheeran will be performing in the virtual world of Pokémon and giving you an exclusive performance. Along with this, you can expect special in-game specials.

From Monday 22 November at 8pm until Tuesday 30 November at 10pm, superstar Ed Sheeran will give you a special performance. His playlist includes songs from the new album as well as old familiar classics.

This special performance naturally cries out for special in-game events. For example, “Overpass Graffiti” by Ed Sheeran will be played every night of the above event period. Because the mega-star has taken water-type Pokémon to his heart, they will naturally be the focus of the coming week. So the following Pokémon appear more often in the wild: Kanimani, Hydropi, Plinfa and Ottaro. You can also meet a Schiggy with sunglasses and a Froxy. With a little extra luck, you might even run into an iridescent.

During this event period, you can get yourself a fancy sweatshirt with the following redemption code: VVM87WGMMUZHTB8X
Also available are event stickers featuring various water Pokémon. You’ll get these when you rotate PokéStops or open gifts. You can also discover these cuddly stickers in the shop.