Pokémon TCG Pocket: Player now owns all the cards and literally pays a high price for them


A player managed to complete the collection. On Reddit, he reveals how many boosters he had to open to do so – and how much it cost him.

Pokémon TCG Pocket sparked a new hype for the collectible card game and was downloaded millions of times just days after its release on October 30.

A good three weeks after release, one player has already managed to collect all the cards in the game. The total of 286 cards in the “Unbeatable Genes” boosters can’t be gotten in that short a time, of course, via the two free packs per day.

“Grab ’em All”

Pokémon has always had this motto, so Reddit user Weens4Life set out to do just that and actually collected all the cards of the new digital trading card game in the shortest possible time.

Obtaining Every Card, Info for Spenders and Collectors (Genetic Apex)
byu/Weens4Life inPTCGP

Weens4Life was able to gain some exciting insights from this. The first is quite sobering, because apart from the “Congratulations” message that you can see in the Reddit post, there is no reward for collecting all the cards.

Overall, the player opened 1,741 packs and drew 8,582 cards from them Incidentally, 129 of those were Flegmons, the most duplicates that Weens4Life has.

An expensive pleasure

It wasn’t cheap, by the way, Weens4Life…put a total of 1,426 euros into the game Of this, he only needed 190 euros to complete the collection of basic cards. The rest of the money went into packs for the search for the rarer cards.

He drew four cards of the rarest level from all the packs and used the Pack Points that are awarded for duplicates to buy the Pickachu-ex card. However, he was unable to get hold of a so-called God Pack, a booster pack with particularly rare cards. The chance of getting one of these is 0.05 percent.

He reached the goal at level 47, which is three levels before the current maximum level. According to Weens4Life, the full-art cards Bisaflor, Gengar, and Machomei took the longest to collect.

Weens4Life is, of course, only finished for the moment, if he wants it to be. In the future, Pokémon TCG Pocket will be expanded with new cards and the collecting will continue. Nothing has been officially announced yet, but dataminers have already been able to find out a lot about upcoming events and new packs. You can read more about this in the box at the top of the article. You will also find an overview of the currently strongest decks there.