Pokémon Unite Gameplay Tips – How Fast Leveling Works


In Nintendo’s new MOBA, there are ways and means to improve Pokémon like Glumanda, Bisasam and Co. with EP in just a few minutes and evolve them quickly.

In Pokémon Unite, high levels can be reached in less than three minutes. Leveling up is important to have a power advantage and defeat enemies. As in the classic Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA), typical farm elements must be taken into account.

Directly at the beginning of the match, you have to defeat wild Pokémon that are scattered across the map. This is the easiest and fastest way to advance the first two to four levels. If you attack a lot of wild Pokémon and take them down with the final blow (Last Hit), you will receive more experience points (EP) in addition to Aeos energy. Although the teammate who is also attacking also receives some EP, it is only just under half of the player with the Last Hit.

Wild Pokémon and Last Hits bring more Experience
It will be important for teammates to agree on the Last Hit. This is because attackers or all-rounders like Bisasam and Glumanda, who need to evolve as quickly as possible, need more XP, especially in the early game. The same principle of the Last Hit is also applicable to the Pokémon of the opponent’s team. As soon as an opponent is incapacitated, they get a big EP boost. So if you can dominate your opponents early, play aggressively to earn even more experience.

A very good way to farm wild Pokémon is on the standard map Remoat Stadium in the south. There is the beach area, which is peppered with wild Eardochs. In addition, in the southernmost part, the biting turtle Kamalm is active as a mini-boss and gives further rich XP for each player of the team that has finished him off.

Goals in the Goal Zone and a helping itemThose who score points for their team in the Goal Zone can also look forward to a few more experience points. In the last minutes of the game, the EP for the goals is even doubled.

Another useful item is the EP divider. With its help, the weakest Pokémon in the team gets additional experience points without having to do anything. However, those equipped with the EP divider do not get any additional EP by defeating Pokémon. So this item is mostly suitable for supporters like Cottomi, Pantimos and Knuddeluff. Because they rarely go into battle because they heal their teammates in the background or use buffs