Pokémon Unite – How to play Heiteira with lots of healing options

How to play Heiteira with plenty of healing options
How to play Heiteira with plenty of healing options

With the latest update in Pokémon Unite, a new Pokémon has also entered the field in the form of Heiteira. This cheerful creature defends allies and regenerates massive amounts of power points.

In Pokémon Unite, until the appearance of Heiteira (Blissey), there was only one Pokémon that was able to continuously heal Power Points (KP): Cottomi. With the release of the 22nd Pokémon on Wednesday, however, this is now changing fundamentally.

Invigorating Playstyle

Heiteira is perfect for providing protection. In addition to her healing, the female Pokémon blocks a lot of damage, protecting her teammates. Because Heiteira, which evolves early on at level 4 from Chaneira, is mainly only meant for support in the MOBA, going it alone is absolutely taboo. Positioning around an ally is therefore very important.

With strong teammates, Heiteira needs to be close enough to both your frontline and backline to heal them and absorb potentially life-threatening damage to your carries. While the auto attacks can still do decent damage in a pinch, the main job is just to support your teammates.

Typical Items for Healers

Heiteira is one of those Pokémon that can use several of the more defensive items. That being said, there are a few different options. Assault West and Focus Band should be logical choices for a tank Pokémon like Heiteira, helping to stay alive and fulfill the supporting role on the team for an extended period of time – similar to the defender Relaxo.

Defensive as well as protective items are ideal for Heiteira.
Defensive as well as protective items are ideal for Heiteira.

Defensive as well as protective Items are ideal for Heiteira.
There’s also Buddy Barrier, which Heiteira uses to grant a shield to allied Pokémon that might need it in a pinch. You could also consider Muscle Band, as the attack boost works well with the Helping Hand attack (Lvl. 6). Another useful option is Exp. Share: The item

gives Heiteira more experience points if it has the lowest level in the team. So feel free to leave the Last Hits to your teammates so that they deal out more damage.

For the combat item, the Eject button should be the default so that Heiteira can save herself despite being in a dicey situation. Due to her poor mobility, she would usually not escape from prolonged close combat.

Attacks and tactical differences

Pound (Level 1 or Level 3): Makes the user attack by striking in the specified direction, damaging enemy Pokémon in the area of effect and reducing their movement speed for a while.

Heal Pulse (Level 1 or Level 3): Recovery move that restores the HP of the user and allied Pokémon for a short period of time.

Attack Slot 1

Soft-Boiled (Level 4): Cast an egg to restore HP to allied Pokémon, both user and target. A maximum of three uses can be saved. At level 12, the ability is upgraded, increasing the number of uses. (2 seconds cooldown)

Safeguard (Level 4): Remove all status conditions for certain allies, making them immune to it for a short time. Upgraded to level 12, also shields allies. (11 seconds cooldown)

With Safeguard, Heiteira can heal negative effects, negating Gengar's dreaded Sludge Bomb.
With Safeguard, Heiteira can heal negative effects, negating Gengar’s dreaded Sludge Bomb.

Soft-Boiled is probably the most effective option, as the ability provides a lot of healing in a very short amount of time and is able to turn team fights to one’s advantage. Safeguard can be considered when the opposing team has a lot of debuffs, perhaps when the team is facing an Alolan Ninetales, for example.

Attack Slot 2

Egg Bomb (Level 6): Throw an egg into a location that explodes with AOE damage and knocks down enemies. Improves to level 10 and reduces the movement speed of the enemy Pokémon hit. (7.5 seconds cooldown)

Helping Hand (Level 6): Increases the movement and basic attack speed of the user and ally. All basic attacks are strengthened. Upgrade from level 10, further increasing normal attack damage. (9 seconds cooldown)

Egg Bomb deals decent damage and briefly spins the opponent into the air.
Egg Bomb deals decent damage and briefly spins the opponent into the air.

If you’re laning with powerful Auto-Attack allies, Helping Hand should be the first choice, as it greatly increases their effectiveness. If the team lacks some Crowd Control

and damage, Egg Bomb could be a viable option.

Unite Attack

Bliss Assistance (Level 8):Heiteira rushes to a selected Pokémon and gives it an egg, which shields the Pokémon and boosts both attack and special attack for a short time. Heiteira also intercepts some of the damage that this Pokémon would have taken. Enemy Pokémon caught between the Dash are thrown.