Pokémon Unite – How to play Relaxo

‎Pokémon Unite – How to play Relaxo‎
‎Pokémon Unite – How to play Relaxo‎

Relaxo plays a central role as one of the greatest defenders in the new MOBA Pokémon Unite – Here you can find out how to play it best.

Relaxo’s play style

With Relaxo, it’s crystal clear at first glance what its strategy revolves around: this Pokémon is primarily meant as a shield for its allies. The sleepy pocket monster is supposed to stay in the front line and take blows so that its team can deal out damage as well. However, that’s not all Relaxo is capable of.

The “Gluttony” ability gives the long sleeper increased buffs from the berries he consumes. In addition, every third basic attack is strengthened and slows down opponents. All in all, Relaxo also has quite a valuable offensive to offer.

Relaxo’s most important task is still to protect the Carries in your team. These are mostly Pokémon like Zeraora and Gengar, which have very low HP but a lot of damage and speed. With Relaxo, you ideally use your support abilities to stay in front, pushing opponents back and slowing them down in time for your allies’ attacks.

The best items for Relaxo

The obvious choice for Relaxo’s combat item is Eject Button. Its focus on mobility is exactly what the lumbering monster can use to get out of sticky situations despite its immobility.

Dieser Item-Build für Relaxo gleicht ebenso seine Schwächen aus, wie er seine Stärken hervorhebt. Bildquelle: Pokémon Unite

With the items held in the game, players have two options. The first build is made up of Focus Band, Buddy Barrier and Assault Vest. Focus Band provides a good regeneration option, while Buddy Barrier works very well with Relaxo’s Unite Move. Assault Vest works great on Relaxo and should be part of his basic equipment.

A second option would be to buy a combination of Rocky Helmet, Leftovers and Assault Vest. This build allows more damage to be returned to the opponents. However, on the top lane, the first item option might be the better one, as the latter is more offensive overall.

The best actions for Relaxo

In the beginning:

Tackle (6 second cooldown): A short jump forward that deals damage. From level 1.
Rest (10 seconds cooldown): Relaxo falls asleep and regenerates his health while blocking enemies. From level 3.

Level 6:

Ab Level 6 kann Relaxo dem Gegner durch seinen AOE-Schaden mitunter richtig gefährlich werden. Bildquelle: Pokémon Unite

At level 6, Relaxo is able to upgrade his Tackle into either a Heavy Slam or Flail. The former is an AOE ability with an eleven-second cooldown that throws up hit opponents. Flail, however, only has a 6.5 second cooldown and deals damage as a percentage of your health. This is higher with lower health. The ability should be chosen for a more offensive strategy, while Heavy Slam is a better choice for team support.

Level 8:

Auf Level 8 kommt bei Relaxo entweder ein großer Schild oder aber eine einschläfernde Attacke ins Spiel. Bildquelle: Pokémon Unite

The ability Rest can be improved to level 8. If players choose Block here, they can use it to create a large shield that pushes enemies back and rests on eleven seconds of cooldown. The second option is the Yawn ability, which has twelve seconds of cooldown and makes enemies sleepy and thus slows them down.

Again, the choice depends on the game situation. The Block ability can be crucial on large targets such as a Zapdos, while Yawn can help take out central carries on the enemy team.

Unite Move:

Relaxos Unite Move is appropriately called Power Nap. This is available from level 9 and puts the Pokémon eponymously to sleep. However, during its nap, Relaxo deals area damage and throws enemies up while healing itself at the same time. The right timing can turn Power Nap into an extremely effective attack – especially if you use it in the enemy ranks.