Pokémon Unite – These 5 beginner mistakes you should avoid

‎Pokémon Unite – These 5 Beginner Mistakes You Should Avoid‎
‎Pokémon Unite – These 5 Beginner Mistakes You Should Avoid‎

You’re playing Pokémon Unite but haven’t quite got the hang of it yet? We’ll show you 5 mistakes that you should avoid at all costs.

1. Losing sight of the goal

This may sound strange at first, because why would you not pursue the goal of the game? However, it happens more often than not that you suddenly get stuck in the middle of the battle chaos of Pokémon Unite. It’s easy to forget that you’re supposed to flatten your opponents’ Goal Zones.

Of course, fighting against other Pokémon is a lot of fun. But Unite is a team game where you also have to do your part to win. If you don’t, you could end up losing more than you win.

2. Want to get through the wall with your head

One of the most important aspects of Pokémon Unite is knowing when to play aggressively and when it’s best to back off. You know those players who run into a group of enemies, get torn to pieces and then wonder why no one came along?! Don’t be those players and rather go through all possible scenarios again in your head.

Do you have low health? Then you should hurry back to the base and regroup. Are you facing an overwhelming number of enemies? Then you should not rush headlong into the fray and rather act more defensively. Do you have a large level advantage? Then you can attack. Practice makes perfect, so always focus on what works best for your team.

3. Management chaos at Aeos Energy

This mistake is related to point 1, because you can only destroy the enemy gates if you collect enough Aeos Energy. However, if you wait too long to throw the gates, it could end badly for you as soon as you are killed with a high Aeos point account. You will lose important points for the team.

Destroying your opponents' Goal Zone is the goal in Pokémon Unite.
Destroying your opponents’ Goal Zone is the goal in Pokémon Unite.

So always try to sink your Aeos points into the opponent’s Goal Zone as quickly as possible. This may not always result in high scores, but as we all know, small fry make a mess.

4. playing with unknown Pokémon (in Ranked)

When playing in Ranked, you should always choose a Pokémon that you play with regularly. It will be much more uncomfortable for you and your teammates if you play with a Pokémon whose abilities and characteristics you don’t know. Practice and Random Matches are available for experimentation. Here, it won’t hurt anyone if you don’t get along with your monster right away.

5. bad item builds

The right item build is extremely important in Pokémon Unite. Not only does it give you an advantage over your enemies, but it also lets you play to your Pokémon’s strengths. Of course, you can test here which items harmonise well with your monster. However, there are a few items that simply don’t work with some Pokémon.