Pokémon Unite Tier List – These are the strongest and weakest Pokémon

These are the strongest and weakest Pokémon‎
These are the strongest and weakest Pokémon‎

Who are the strongest Pokémon? Our ranking for the new MOBA Pokémon Unite.

Pokémon Unite has once again cast a spell over the digital monsters in the video game community. The new MOBA is available free of charge for the Nintendo Switch. In it, 21 different Pokémon compete against each other in arena battles. But which characters are the strongest and which ones are better left alone? We have ranked the Pokémon in a tier list.

Note: A tier list is always subjective, of course. If you disagree, feel free to share your opinions and rankings with us on social media!

S Tier: Relaxo/Snorlax, Crustle, Lucario, Zeraora, Wigglytuff/Knuddeluff

The latest patch in Pokémon Unite really shakes up the stats of some Pokémon. Relaxo has also been generated, but this has little effect on its strength. It is still the best choice for defence. The same goes for Lucario, who is still the strongest all-rounder among the Pokémon.

Thanks to some buffs, Knuddeluff now also lands in the S-tier. The cute monster is currently the perfect combination of supporter, tank and attacker. Crustle also offers an almost unbeatable combination as a tank with high damage potential, plus the Stealth Rock ability has finally been buffed. Zeraora also remains in the S-tier thanks to its strong mobility and is still the best ganker in the meta.

A-Tier: Absol, Alolan Ninetales, Slowbro, Talonflame, Blissey/Heiteira, Machamp/Machomei, Pikachu, Mr. Mime/Pantimos

The new Pokémon Blissey, or Heiteira, finds itself right away in the A-tier. The newcomer’s healing abilities are very strong, but Blissey needs to be combined with the right Pokémon to fully exploit its potential. The rest of the A-Tier, such as Absol or Alolan Ninetales, otherwise remains largely untouched, which is why there are hardly any changes here..

B-Tier: Guardevoir, Bisaflor, Quajutsu/Greninja, Cinderace, Gengar, Eldegoss, Urgl/Cramorant

While Bisaflor continues to work his way up and is now a pretty good player, Gengar is still in free fall. But that’s no wonder after he was generated into the ground. Quajutsu players might also have some problems with the changes to their Pokémon.

C-Tier: Glurak, Garchomp/Crack

Unfortunately, not too much has happened at the end of the Pokémon Unite tier list. Glurak and Knackrack continue to struggle with major problems. It seems that Pokémon that have their strengths in the late-game don’t really get a chance in the current meta.