Pokémon Unite – Update brings new Squad function

‎Pokémon Unite – Update Brings New Squad Feature‎

With the release of the mobile version of Pokémon Unite comes the new squad function. The team composition is supposed to become easier with it.

With the 1.2 patch, Pokémon Unite is getting a new squad feature on Wednesday, which should make putting together a team much easier. The release trailer for the mobile version of Pokémon Unite already shows what the feature will look like. With these changes, it will be possible to play cross-platform.

The trailer shows two different possibilities of the feature. Coaches can join an existing team or create their own unit team. With the help of so-called squad tags, it will be easier to find other players and recruit them for your team.

With your own squad to victory

It is not yet clear whether the patch will also bring a sophisticated system with many different ranks. At least the two designations Squad Leader and Member can be seen in the trailer. The maximum number of players per squad is probably set at 30.

The mobile version of Pokémon Unite will be released in the course of 22 September and will then be available in the respective app stores. With over 7.5 million pre-registrations, it is already a great success before the release.