Possible Battlefield 6 leak: Should combine all parts of the series according to insider

Battlefield 6

A leaker claims to have gotten new information about Battlefield 6 via insiders and can probably prove it. The statements raise many questions.

Currently, there is little official information about the upcoming multiplayer shooter Battlefield 6, but if you believe the rumors on Reddit, the new title will unite all the others.

Where does the information come from? The Reddit user bf6leaker is not a well-known insider who has attracted attention before. In his thread, he also doesn’t provide any visible evidence that suggests a connection to DICE. However, a moderator has confirmed that bf6leaker was able to provide him with evidence of a direct connection to the developers. They were not shared, however, as they contain sensitive information that would reveal the insider’s identity.

This makes the leak a bit more credible. However, you should not completely rely on it, as the moderator can only confirm the connection to DICE. But not whether the exact information really comes from there.

Will Battlefield 6 unite all parts in one hub?

The leaker talks about a serious change in the gameplay. He himself calls it “the biggest news yet”, because Battlefield 6 will unite all previously released parts as a hub. Players should be able to start their own servers with special settings. For example, a server can be started with Battlefield 1942 settings, which will exclusively include the vehicles and weapons from the first Battlefield title.

Battlefield 1942 vs. Battlefield 3? According to the leaked information, players will also be able to mix settings. This would allow one team to enter the battlefield with weapons and vehicles from Battfield 1942 and the opposing team with tanks from Battlefield 3.
The question of balancing: At first glance, this scenario seems extremely unrealistic, since vehicles and weapons from Battlefield 3 would probably be significantly superior to those from 1942. The gameplay of older Battlefield parts should also be reproducible. For example, you wouldn’t be able to lie down with the Bad Company settings. How DICE is supposed to master this possible balance challenge, even the insider doesn’t know.
Can it all work? Based on an initial assessment, this idea sounds quite ambitious, as balancing would be extremely complex in this case. It is therefore rather unlikely that the leaked information will be adopted 1:1 and appear in Battlefield 6 like this.

More destructible environment

bf6leaker has not only announced the unification of all Battlefield parts in his thread on Reddit, according to him, the environment will also be destructible again. He cites Bad Company as a comparison and says that the destruction will be on a smaller scale. However, in Bad Company, more structures were destructible than in later parts. The insider seems to mean that there will be less large-scale scripted map destruction, as in the levolution of Battlefield 4, and more chaos actively caused by players.

What speaks in favor of this: Tom Henderson, a well-known leaker who has already been right with some leaks in the past, has already commented on the level destruction in Battlefield 6 and claims that the level destruction will be much more extreme than in Battlefield 4.

What other leaks are there? Besides the destructible environment, there is also supposed to be a Battle Royale mode. Furthermore, 128 players are supposed to be supported, which would confirm previous rumors. In his leak, bf6leaker talks about three well-known maps returning in Battlefield 6: Wake Island, Metro and Locker:

INSIDER LEAK from Battlefield6

This is how the reddit community reacted to the leak

The thread on Reddit was created on March 27, 2021 and reached over 100 comments and upvotes within a very short time (as of March 28, 2021). Some users wonder how a mix of all Battlefield parts will work. For example, JBGamingPC comments:

“The gameplay leak, if true, sounds absolutely ridiculous. If it’s a gamemode we can choose, it could certainly be fun. But if the entire BF6 experience is supposed to be a mix of everything from 1942 to modern times, I’m afraid it’s going to be a hilarious disaster. How are you even supposed to balance that? It sounds outrageous.”

SuitingUncle620, who has seen the communication between the leaker and insider, also speaks out and comments:

“The gameplay section speaks to them simply calling the game “Battlefield”. That would make more sense. It’s been stressed many times that it’s supposed to be a Battlefield game for multiple years and it would make sense to offer more options and settings to the settings.”

Whether the leak turns out to be true will most likely be revealed soon. According to insider information, we can expect a reveal of the new Battlefield part as early as May 2021.