Pre-download for Pokémon Unite – How to download the MOBA


Pokémon Unite is available in the Nintendo Switch eShop and can be downloaded before the release.
Unite before its release. The game will be released worldwide on Wednesday
and free for Nintendo’s latest console.

The download for Pokémon Unite has been available since Tuesday morning.
available since Tuesday morning. One day before the release on 21 July, it is thus possible to play the
MOBA title on the Nintendo Switch.

you can download Pokémon Unite
. To download the game,
you need to click on “Pre-Order” and enter your Nintendo account details.
You can then pre-order the free game via the Nintendo eShop.
pre-order the free game. This will activate the download on the Switch console.

The download size of the game is just under one gigabyte. Although
release on Wednesday, but the download will already be done and you can
and you can start playing as soon as Nintendo officially releases the game.
officially releases the game. An exact time for the launch is
is currently unknown.

Pokémon Unite will also be playable on mobile devices in September and will
offers crossplay. This means that accounts from the Nintendo Switch
even be linked to the respective mobile devices.