Project M – This is how brazenly VALORANT is copied

Project M
Project M

The Chinese company NetEase has upset the gaming community with a new game trailer. The game Project M simply copies the hit shooter VALORANT.

Consider a new exciting game concept or just steal everything? Chinese company NetEase released a trailer for their mobile game Project M on Wednesday. It resembles Riot Games shooter VALORANT so much that users are already speculating about possible legal consequences.

All just stolen?

Project M didn’t just take slight inspiration from the hit game VALORANT, it simply looks like a complete copy. The gameplay is identical, the maps have been adopted, the spherical Smokes look like in VALORANT, the characters have the same abilities – everything looks like the original.

Then there’s the title Project M: that’s not an innovative name for a game either. Riot Games used the alias Project A for VALORANT before release. The first reactions of the gaming community are entirely negative.

The YouTube comments are filled with statements like: “So you stole all aspects of VALORANT, only implemented them worse? A disgrace”. Another user writes: “The game deserves absolutely no attention and should fail.” Some users are also already speculating about upcoming lawsuits and that Riot
Games should definitely sue the company. They are currently also working on a mobile variant for their successful title.