PS5 Pro: You can no longer use an accessory for 55 euros with the new console


Console covers for the PlayStation 5 cannot be used with the PlayStation 5 Pro.

The new PS5 Pro is officially available from this week. It is basically compatible with most PS5 accessories and all games. But there is one exception.

In detail:

  • Console covers for previous PS5 consoles are incompatible with the PS5 Pro.
  • Sony plans to offer console covers for the PS5 Pro in the future.

Reddit user Zrorro has already received the PS5 Pro console and posted his first impressions. According to the user, attempts to attach a PS5 Slim cover to the PS5 Pro failed.

PlayStation 5 Pro does not work with the slim plates.
byu/Zrorro inplaystation

Photos show that only the lower part of the cover fits on the new console. The upper part cannot be attached despite the same dimensions, because the interlocking teeth are not aligned.

There are different covers for the consoles

Sony doesn’t exactly make it easy for customers who are interested in console covers. Sony currently offers several versions in its own PlayStation Direct Shop:

  • Covers for the PS5 console with a disc drive.
  • Cover for the PS5 Digital Edition.
  • Cover for the PS5 Slim.

Covers for the Playstation 5 Pro are missing so far. The only known cover is that of the 30th Anniversary Edition of the PS5 Pro. However, this is not available individually, but is part of the sold-out package.

Reaction of the PS5 community

The reaction of the community is largely negative. In particular, there is criticism that there are too many cover versions that are not compatible with each other.

Some users even suspect that Sony has deliberately made small changes to the PS5 Pro to boost sales.

Reddit user FireFoxQuattro writes:

Wait, the only difference is the position of the gears? That has to be intentional so that they can sell more expensive disks, that’s crazy.

PS5 So, for every buyer, we have to wait until Sony officially offers covers for the console.

What do you think of console covers? Have you ever bought any, or do they leave you cold? Feel free to write us a comment about it.