Quantum Error shows two new gameplay videos at once


Developer Teamkill Media was particularly eager over the weekend. In addition to various screenshots, they also published two new gameplay videos for Quantum Error. These show great potential, but still need some fine-tuning.

As the past weekend shows, not only the social media team at Teamkill Media has been active in recent months. The developers also seem to have been busy, so that they were able to show us two new gameplay videos.
While we get to know the interior of the research station in the longer one, the shorter one shows some scenes outside on the planetary surface of Neptune.

The new videos for Quantum Error show that the development team has set itself big goals. Even if the videos already show great potential and the associations with classics such as Doom 3 or Halflife are just too imposing, there is still a lot of work waiting for the team.

For example, I noticed the clumsy physics and the rather rough design of some enemies. I also wonder, like some other community members, why the third-person perspective is still used. Because movements and graphics from this perspective seem quite unclean.

Fortunately, the development team also seems to realise that Quantum Error still needs a certain amount of fine-tuning. Although they are approaching gold status, they still have to complete a few final steps. However, fans can look forward to more news very soon, they say on Twitter.

One last big hurdle seems to be the (port to the Xbox Series X|S) port. Quantum Error is primarily designed for the fast SSD of the PlayStation 5, so optimising it for the slower Xbox SSD will take a little more time. We will keep you informed about further updates.