Rainbow Six: Siege fights cheaters with tough measures – and reports clear successes


Rainbow Six: Siege celebrates successes against cheaters, cheaters and toxic players: Ubisoft releases figures on its own measures.

Toxic players and cheaters (and toxic cheaters too!) are a big problem in many online games. The multiplayer shooter Rainbow Six: Siege is no exception. But there is good news: Ubisoft reports measurable successes against such players who spoil the experience for others.

A year against cheaters and flamers, what has it achieved?

The “Player Protection Team” at Ubisoft has implemented a number of measures over the past few months in an attempt to get a grip on the cheater plague and toxic players. It is mainly the following three features that show success:

Mouse Trap

The “mouse trap” already gives away in its name what it’s all about: This is meant to punish players who play on consoles with mouse and keyboard. After all, it gives them a huge precision advantage over their fellow players. Mouse Trap charges such players extra lag to get them to reach for the controller again. Since its introduction, cheating rates have dropped by 78 percent, according to Ubisoft.


This is an anti-cheat feature designed to make it harder for cheats to develop. Thanks to the system more than 10,000 cheaters are said to have been banned moreover, several cheat manufacturers are said to have gone out of “business” for Rainbow Six: Siege.

The Muzzle

The “Reputation Penalties” are intended to ensure that players behave decently. Players who engage in toxic behaviour in voice chat will receive two warnings. If they become conspicuous a third time, they will be automatically muted for the next 30 matches. 

According to Ubisoft, the warnings clearly have a positive effect: of the players who have been warned once, 50 percent no longer become conspicuous. After the mute, only 24 percent of those affected misbehave again. Thus, many should experience the PvP tactical shooter again as it was intended:

 What do you think of the rigorous anti-cheat measures and features designed to reduce toxic behaviour in Rainbow Six: Siege? Do you think this will solve the problem of dishonest players in the long run or do you think it’s utopian? And do you know of any other shooters that do this more effectively than R6S? Feel free to write us!