Realistic Vietnam shooter was thought to be forgotten, but suddenly there’s an update and a 95 percent discount


For just one euro, you can get a realistic shooter with a Vietnam setting on Steam right now.

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is back with a surprise new update after more than seven years. While most fans had long since classified the game as “finished” or even “forgotten,” the developers have now noticeably improved it with version 1.6.2.

And as if that weren’t enough, there is currently a whopping 95 percent discount on Steam:For just one euroyou can immerse yourself in the ultra-realistic Vietnam War on Steam until November 18, 2024.

This is what you can expect in the big update

The new update 1.6.2 now brings tons of bug fixes and takes the voice chat system to a new level.

The patch takes care of several long-standing bugs that have marred the gaming experience: These include problems where players could still hear voices from others even though they had already left the server, or where the mute system behaved erratically and players were suddenly audible again after re-entering a game.

With this patch, such communication problems should be a thing of the past, which can make a huge difference, especially in a tactical game that relies on teamwork and coordination. Also new is that the headset device settings of the Steam client are automatically recognized – a detail that often led to frustrated tinkering with the settings before.

A chance for old and new players

Above all, it is the realistic, unembellished setting that makes Rising Storm 2: Vietnam stand out from the crowd. Here you fight in asymmetrical battles with up to 64 players, divided into six factions: from the US Army and the Australian military to the North Vietnamese troops and the National Liberation Front. In terms of gameplay, this means a lot of tactical depth, because each faction brings unique abilities, weapons and strategies with it.

The update could not only excite the current player base, but perhaps also attract old fans and newcomers who have been waiting for an opportune moment. The mechanics and gameplay are still quite realistic: maps are based on historical locations, and the authentic-looking weapon physics might appeal to those for whom the frantic shooting in fast-paced shooters like CoD: Black Ops 6 is not their thing.

Interestingly, there is also a small sign of life regarding a planned successor: ’83– a game in an alternative Cold War setting that was originally intended as a spiritual successor to Rising Storm 2.

After a series of problems and a change to Blue Dot Games, development was recently resumed, as announced on November 9. However, it remains to be seen whether and when this title will see the light of day. Until then, the update for Rising Storm 2 could bring a little variety to your everyday multiplayer with its fresh setting.