Red Dead Online is coming back in a big way and very soon


The online mode of Red Dead Redemption 2 is getting Blood Money with the new update, which fans have been wanting for a very long time. And it’s coming soon.

Red Dead Online is not as “dead” as some fans feared. Rockstar Games announces a major update titled Blood Money, dedicated to features long desired by players.

More content for solo players: It’s all about the criminal underworld, risky heists and other shady activities. All content is also supposed to be available for solo players – which we probably owe to the success of the last single player content for GTA Online. To what extent this has affected Rockstar’s strategy for Red Dead Online, you can read in the following article:

Also, good news for owners of an RTX graphics card: Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online get the announced DLSS support with the update. Especially the technically demanding Rockstar game should benefit from the expected performance gain and achieve more FPS.

When is the update coming and how much will it cost?

Players won’t have to wait long: Blood Money will already be released on Tuesday, 13 July 2021.

New activity without a paywall: The update is free for all Red Dead Online owners. So you don’t have to shell out gold for a licence, as is the case with the bounty hunter, collector or naturalist, for example. “Licensed criminal” also sounds strange when you think about it.

You can see the new trailer for Red Dead Online Blood Money here:

What does the Blood Money update bring?
Here’s what the story is about: The right-hand man of gangster boss Angelo Bronte is called Guido Martelli and he wants to get the criminal trade good “Capitale” (Italian for capital) back into his hands. Capitale acts as a kind of Wild West cryptocurrency to replace ordinary money, enabling gangsters to do business away from the watchful eye of the taxman. It involves precious stones such as diamonds, rubies and emeralds.

“Crime” as a new occupation: To find the bling, Red Dead Online players take on a new type of occupation, “crimes”. The tasks come in the style of robberies, kidnappings and debt collections, which you can complete with a squad or as a lone wolf.

Red Dead Online aims to satisfy lone wolves with Blood Money.
Red Dead Online aims to satisfy lone wolves with Blood Money.

Mini heists for Red Dead Online? So you undertake carriage robberies, kidnap unsuspecting citizens or collect debts. In addition, you can take part in multi-part heists – similar to the heists in GTA Online. In other words, everything you know about criminal activities from good old Mafia films.

Where else can you find Capitale: In addition, there are also chances to get hold of Capitale in the free-roam mode. Some NPCs carry the stuff with them. Diamonds and the like are also hidden in crates. It doesn’t matter where you find them – the main thing is to bring them to Guido Martelli afterwards.

“Opportunities” as a new type of mission: If you have delivered enough Capitale, the trust of your contacts grows so that you soon get access to another activity: “Opportunities”. This one is about politics, because an up-and-coming senator wants to make life difficult for your gangster boss Angelo Bronte. You now look for opportunities to get in the way of the idealistic politician on your side. Eavesdropping on conversations and spying on important targets are on the agenda.

RDO gangsters apparently also have the police in their hands.
RDO gangsters apparently also have the police in their hands.

What happens next?

Initially, only one of three July 13 opportunities will be available, with “two more coming up in due course,” as Rockstar explained. Away from the in-game content, there’s also a new Battle Pass, but this time it’s a little more short-term, so it’s no longer called Outlaw Pass, but Quick Draw Club.

What’s behind the new Quick-Draw Club?

New pass model: With the Quick Draw Club, Rockstar Games is launching a new season pass model that consists of a total of four passes. These will be released one after the other in the coming months and will bring buyers rewards and bonuses – the first, for example, is Dutch’s Redcliff outfit, which you can examine in the short trailer:

This is how much membership costs: Each Quick Draw pass costs 25 gold bars and has a total of 25 ranks. If you buy all four passes, you get the Halloween pass 2 at no extra cost. You should be able to earn back the gold bars you have invested through the 25 ranks. Exactly what content awaits you as a member of the Quick Draw Club remains to be seen.

Our test of Red Dead Online shows a Wild West sandbox that can inspire Western fans. With the latest update Blood Money, Red Dead Redemption 2’s multiplayer mode could eliminate one of the remaining points of criticism – provided the content plays as well as it reads. We’ll find out for you in due time, of course!