Red Dead Redemption is not even two weeks old and fans have already managed to remaster the “remaster”.


The graphics of the long-awaited PC version are a bit outdated. A mod significantly improves the modern classic.

Since October 28, 2024, John Marston has also been pulling his revolver on PC.

14 years after the original release, the PC version of Red Dead Redemption has been released. We gave it an 83 – in our test. The game currently has 92 percent positive ratings on Steam and has collected more than 2,600 reviews so far.

But despite all the joy about the late port, there is also criticism. For example, because the game’s graphics are now getting on in years. The mod Reality Redemption promises to remedy this.

Mod improves general performance

This was released shortly after the launch of the PC version. This mod mainly improves the graphics of the game. You can get a taste of it in the YouTube video by the modder linked above

On the website of Reality Redemption – Overhaul Project , the changes made by the mod to the basic game are listed. For example, the memory pools have been increased and overall performance has been improved.

In addition, the drawing distance of vegetation and objects as well as the quality of reflections, particles or debris is improved. And the textures for John Marston and most of the game world textures such as paths, roads, floors and grass have been reworked.

And that’s not all. The mod also changes the physics for liquids, such as water, and the behavior of NPCs. In addition, the game camera has been adjusted and is now comparable to the camera work in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Further changes are planned

But the modder BadassBaboon and his fellow modders are not finished with the project yet. For future versions of the mod, for example, the textures for secondary characters and buildings are to be improved.

And the appearance of rock formations, cloud shadows or vehicles is also to be revised. And the modders also want to incorporate new effects for the weather system.

Five minutes of gameplay from the game’s first mission show what the base game of Red Dead Redemption is capable of graphically!

For a long time, the release for the PC was an open secret. Over the past few months, several leaks have emerged from Sony and Rockstar, among others, confirming the existence of a PC version. In mid-September, the game was briefly listed on Steam – albeit without a specific release date. That was only announced three weeks before the release, at the beginning of October 2024.