Remedy announces Max Payne Remaster




20 years after the release of the first part, Max Payne is now getting a remaster. Remedy announced this in a press release yesterday evening. The second part of the series is also to receive a makeover.

In 2001, Max Payne was released for PC, Xbox and PlayStation 2, among others. Back then, the Finnish developer studio Remedy already worked together with Rockstar on the shooter. Two years later, Max Payne 2: The Fall of May Payne was released. Now both studios are joining forces again and working together on the remaster of the parts. The three-part Max Payne series is characterised above all by its noir atmosphere and its gripping storytelling, which has had a significant influence on pop culture.

At the moment, the remaster project is still in the development phase. But Remedy could already announce that both titles will be released for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. During the development, the Northlight Engine will be used. The developer also uses this for Alan Wake II.