Saints Row: The Criminal Enterprise

Saints Row The Criminal Projects


The new trailer for Saints Row shows how players build their street gang into a criminal empire. In the process, we take a look at the planning and learn how our criminal enterprises will succeed.

Jim Boone, Volition’s Chief Creative Officer takes us through the new trailer for Saints Row. He gives us insight into the different options available to us as we build our syndicate. Starting as a small street gang, the Saints must start from scratch and gradually strengthen their influence in the city of Santo Ileso. Exactly how the Saints can go about this is up to you as the boss. You have a variety of businesses and building plots at your disposal, so that everyone can leave their personal fingerprint on the city.

The multifaceted criminal machinations of Saints Row let you get creative in building a crime syndicate. For example, how about discovering the food truck drug business so that your customers become completely addicted to your delicacies? Or build the Shady Oaks Medical Clinic, inflict massive damage and keep the cash register ringing while treating your injuries. Oooor, at least you don’t think about the environment when you’re gambling and build the Bright Future Waste Disposal Facility, which allows you to “creatively” dispose of the corporations’ hazardous waste.

This and many more criminal machinations await you on 25 February 2022, when Saints Row will be available for PC, PlayStation and Xbox. Those who are already hot for the action adventure can pre-order on the (official website).