Scars Above – the challenging shooter is now available


Mad Head Games and Prime Matter are releasing Scars Above today. It is a challenging shooter that invites you on an eerie journey through space.

In Scars Above, an alien realm appears in Earth’s orbit and is referred to by humanity as a metahedron. In order to be able to investigate this strange construction, the Sentient Contact Assessment and Response (SCAR) team – consisting of scientists and engineers – is sent to this construct.

But suddenly this realm is activated and drags the team across space to a mysterious extrasolar plane. Here the protagonist Kate wakes up alone in an alien as well as hostile world. Determined to survive, she sets off in search of her crew and tries to unravel the mystery behind the events.

Kate may not be a soldier, but her skills as a scientist can come in handy in this third-person shooter. You can scan artefacts, materials and creatures to learn more about their properties, characteristics and weaknesses. This will allow you to craft new equipment, weapons and unlock new skills in xenobiology and engineering.

So you can take on exciting and challenging enemies in Scars Above by using a combination of elemental attacks, gadgets and items and taking advantage of the environment and enemies’ weaknesses.

Scars Above is available now on PC, PlayStation and Xbox. Face extraterrestrial experiences and be rewarded with useful items for your achievements. A similar gameplay experience awaits you in Returnal.