Sentinel: New shooter in Unreal Engine 5 can be seen, comes from CoD and Halo people


Former developers behind Halo and CoD show first footage of their new first-person shooter, which chooses an unusual theme with space Vikings

Former CoD and Halo developers are forming under the studio Pathless Productions to release their own first-person shooter. For Sentinel they use the Unreal Engine 5 and now show a first trailer, which is quite something to look at.

The game is still in an early development phase. Nevertheless, the parallels are immediately recognisable, especially to Halo.

This is what Sentinel looks like

For now, you”ll want to see for yourself what we”re talking about. Here”s the first trailer of Sentinel:

What is already known?

In the trailer above, you”ll see alien opponents who you”ll be able to take down with futuristic guns.

The developers describe Sentinel as a fun sandbox co-op experience in which you must defend the remnants of humanity as a technologically advanced space Viking. So there is a multiplayer component or two.

Some things are reminiscent of Halo: The lush vegetation, the open levels, the basic design of the aliens, the movement that is nevertheless very dynamic for the heavy suits, the display on the weapon … Sentinel chooses its own style, but the template shines through clearly. At least for us.

What else is important?

The video is a vertical slice, i.e. a version that presents all the important elements of the game, but is still in the early stages of development. The game has been in the works for about four months. We expect that there will still be some time before a release date.

One of the developers is also active on Twitter, where the video is also available. For better quality, however, we recommend our embedded video above.

What do you think of the new shooter Sentinel in Unreal Engine 5? Would you like to play a Halo that isn”t Halo? Would you rather stick to the original? Or do the parallels to Master Chief not strike you so much? Feel free to post your thoughts in the comments.