Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 shows off graphic punch in new trailer


Several years have passed since the announcement of Hellblade 2. Except for a few scraps of info and a coherent first trailer, there has been nothing so far. Now the developers of Ninja Theory present a behind-the-scenes look at the trailer from the Xbox Games Showcase and show how they are using performance capture . Unfortunately, it is not yet known when we will be able to experience it for ourselves. Because there is still no concrete release date for Hellblade 2. But you can already prepare yourself for an impressive adventure.

As in the first part, the Picts warrior Senua embarks on a psychedelic and dangerous journey into her own mind and the Nordic, mythology-inspired world full of danger. Along the way, she must not only brave monstrous enemies, but also confront her own traumas.

How Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 impresses graphically

It’s hard to believe, but Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 has managed to improve on the already impressive graphics of the original. The evolution that this game has undergone is simply breathtaking. A crucial factor here is the groundbreaking performance capture process, which makes it possible to capture the actors’ movements with unparalleled accuracy and reproduce them absolutely realistically in the game. Every nuance, no matter how small, is captured and transformed into a fascinating gaming experience.

Thanks to the advanced studio, actors can perform even the smallest and subtlest movements. These are then accurately reproduced in the game. The enhanced technology helps to take Hellblade 2’s gaming experience to a whole new level. This is clearly visible in the impressive renderings presented in the sequel. Both the details and the authenticity of the virtual world have been significantly increased. Which in turn increases the intensity of the game’s enjoyment.