Skate 4 shows what most studios usually want to avoid

Skate 4!

In the first gameplay trailer of Skate 4, things are almost more reckless than in real skateboarding. And EA invites interested parties to test play.

This is what skateboard lovers have been waiting for: first gameplay from Skate 4! But how early this arrives might surprise some. Because developer EA Black Box invites you to test play the game with an emphatically unfinished state of play.

The reactions of the fans on YouTube are mostly very positive. Although much of what is shown consists only of grey boxes and idiosyncratic ragdoll physics, many a skateboard connoisseur on YouTube celebrates the developers’ refreshingly open approach to the pre-pre-pre-alpha state of Skate 4.

EA Black Box also wants to emphasise the cooperation with the community with the staged transparency. To get feedback, they invite all interested parties to a playtest, which you can sign up for on the (official website).

This is what the first gameplay of Skate 4 looks like

Now we’ve talked around the hot bluntslide long enough and show you what we’re talking about. Here you can see the first gameplay of Skate 4:

As mentioned before: A lot still consists of grey boxes, faulty animations and other construction sites. No wonder, after all, Skate 4 hasn’t even reached the alpha stage yet.

Other passages, on the other hand, seem almost completely worked out, which should give a preview of the final product. But of course, things can still change during development. For a first impression, however, the video is sufficient.

In the physical simulations of the sport, on the other hand, the indies come up trumps: If you want to feel the same way with your fingers on the controller as you do with your feet on the grip tape, you’ll find the right (and hellishly challenging) game in the skateboard simulation Session.

And in the trailer above, Skater XL also follows exactly the same path, but is less cerebral and thus a little more beginner-friendly than Session. Either way, rosy times are here again for virtual skateboarders!