Skull and Bones: The big update for Season 1 is here, all new features and patch notes


A few weeks after the official release, the first season of Skull and Bones sets sail. What’s inside Raging Tides

Since February 26, the Indian Ocean from Skull and Bones has been haunted by a new threat. In the first season, the wicked Captain Philippe La Peste and his fleet of pestilence scour the seas and pose a new challenge to all the pirate crews based there.

In a blog post for the start of the new season, Ubisoft has summarized what exactly you can expect and how the patch will affect the game. We have collected the information for you. In the trailer for Season 1, you can also find out what might be lurking behind the next island

This is new in Season 1

The Fleet of Pestilence

In Season 1, as you traverse the Indian Ocean, you’ll come across the ships of the Pestilence Fleet, who are here to find a cure for a curse on Captain La Peste. The ships are easily recognizable by the poisonous green skulls on their black sails.

You can confidently take on the ships and fight them on the high seas. Once you have sunk a ship, you will receive the head of its captain. You can then exchange the heads for silver and White Skull Gin at Robin Blackwood’s.

The more ships you sink, the higher the chance that La Peste himself will attack your ship.

New bounties

In the course of the season, new bounties will also be introduced, but these will probably not only be classic high-level ships. Instead, you will also be hunting a huge sea monster. From March 5, the Zamaharibu will appear in the waters, and from March 26, the Rode Maangodin

The privateer letter

The Skull and Bones Letter of Capture is a classic Season Pass. You have to master seasonal challenges and receive rewards for doing so. There is a free and a premium pass. The rewards you receive depend on which of the three paths you follow:

  1. Quartermaster: In addition to many cosmetics for your ship, there are also schemes with which you can do more damage to the plague ships of the Pestilence fleet.
  2. Gunner Master: In this tree you often unlock skins for your pirate and your cannons, but also the Carronade, a powerful and precise cannon at short range.
  3. Shipmaster: In addition to further cosmetics for your ship, you can also unlock the Wailing Ward. An armor for your ship that provides particularly good protection against the poison attacks of the Pestilence fleet.


Game history

  • Legendary Raid] The raiders will behave more threateningly towards players who have received the coveted loot of the helmet.
    • The ambushes will spawn more frequently
    • More ambushers can spawn each time
  • Hostile Takeover] The participation capacity of the following manufactories during a hostile takeover opportunity has been increased:
    • Coast of Africa: Mchanga, Jiwe Weaver, Jiwe Fort, Harufu Weaver, Harufu, Bandari, La Corde Weaver, Port des Mines, Fond-de-la-Baie, Grand-Fort, Shjavu
    • Red Islands: Lambda Weaver, Raoifa, Tsifo Lumberyard, Tanzako Lumberyard, Tenina Town, Guerande, Foundrie Royale, Sainte-Amelie, Fort Du Lys, Du Bois Lumberyard, La Basitde
    • Eastern India: Suny Capital, Fort Granbie, Damai, South Damai Foundry, Kencur Lumberyard, Kota Lama, Fort Prakoso, Lada Foundry, Lada, Subur Lumberyard, Kampong Subur, Laar, Fort Premie, Laar South Lumberyard, Oosten Capital
  • The generation of opportunities has been adjusted so that it is based on the number of players who have unlocked a region

Ship advantages

  • Bedar] The Lancer buff available on the Bedar has been adjusted to reduce the damage caused by flooding status effects.
    • Development Note: The Bedar’s flooding status effect was incorrectly dealing damage against ships that had a higher ship rank. We have added a ship rank adjustment to the status effects. The adjustment was made to increase fairness in combat against PVP and PVE targets.


  • Ship rank] The maximum ship rank has been increased from 11 to 12.

Ship equipment

  • The equipment values of the following Epic Tier equipment have been adjusted:
    • Carronade: increased by ~9%
    • Blue Ghost: Increased by ~9%
    • Dardanelles Gun: increased by ~18
    • Twinwinch Ballista: Increased by ~18%
    • Le Fléau: Increased by ~5%
    • Wrathful Ward: Increased by ~5%
    • Black Prince: Increased by ~5%
    • Development Note: Equipment values have been slightly increased to make ship rank 12 more accessible.


  • The Skirmisher spawn rate has been reduced for the “Unwelcome on Board” contract

World events

  • The invitation condition for the world event “The Colonial Ship” has been changed to Infamy Level 9, Cutthroat

Captain’s logbook

  • When a contract giver performs a “View in Map”, the logbook tabs are now disabled and the player can only stay in the map tab.


  • The tutorials for various world events have been updated to include recommendations for group play
  • The tutorial text during the early Helm Contracts has been updated to include information about disabling Fast Travel after collecting currency at the Manufactory. Fast Travel is disabled until the user returns to the Helm Office in Sainte-Anne.

Goods & Resources

  • The cooldown for the use of consumable items is reset after the player sinks and resurfaces at sea


  • Improved resolution of various dialog cutscenes


Photo Mode] Players can now use the action wheel to enter photo mode during battle


Game history

  • Helmet Bet] Caves such as Telok Penjarah and Sainte-Anne are no longer selected as delivery locations.
  • Cutthroat Cargo] Fixed an issue where the bearer of the legendary map did not receive a notification and was unable to disembark to an outpost after time ran out.


  • A flair for business] The contract is now available when the player leaves the main menu and reconnects to the game.
  • Job Board] Fixed an issue where the item for “Tavern Fruit” would not update correctly if the contributors each only had a subset of the required item.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would not receive crafting materials for crafting the Bedar if their ship was encumbered when submitting the quest “A Seaworthy Ship”.

The rudder

  • Ongoing] A partial fix has been provided that allows some affected players who were previously unable to enter the helm to enter.
    • Maker’s Note: We are aware that this fix does not affect all affected players who are stuck on the “Take the Helm” contract. The investigation into the issues related to Taking the Helm is ongoing. If you are still experiencing issues after the Season 1 patch, please contact our support team with further details.
  • Fixed an issue where players would get stuck in an infinite loading screen after entering the Tax Office when asked to meet Yanita for the second time
  • Fixed an issue where the objective for walking orders from the order tab would incorrectly only require 1 Skull Rum instead of the intended amount of 100.


  • Fixed an issue where the Cutthroat Freight tutorial was displayed instead of the Helmet Bet tutorial when a player encounters the Helmet Bet event for the first time

Goods & Resources

  • The Helmwager Chest should now appear in the player’s inventory when the player accepts the Helmwager activity.


  • Fixed an issue where the placeholder text was present during the dialog scene with Admiral Rahmah after completing the Dawn of War contract.
  • Fixed an issue where the dialog scene would not play when the player handed over the tax lease to Yanita
  • Fixed an issue where the player had to interact with Yanita twice to progress in the “A Nose for Business” contract


  • PS5] Increased the loading speed of outpost assets during the loading screen that appears when the player leaves the ship
  • Fixed an issue where the far view was obscured by a glow when the player was near the Navigators’ Cross outpost in the evening


  • Fixed a “Host has left the server” bug that occurred after the Cutthroat cargo transporter attempted to leave the outpost after respawning after the death screen.
  • Free Trial] Fixed an issue where players were frequently disconnected from the Free Trial version when switching from the Premium Edition to the Free Trial version while processing resources in the Refinery
  • Ubisoft Connect] Fixed an issue where the player would get stuck in the main menu after trying to open Ubisoft Connect while disconnected from the network via the router
  • Ubisoft Connect] Ubisoft Connect now closes automatically on network disconnection
  • Xbox] Loss of service when purchasing a vanity from the store will take the player back to the main menu with an error message .


  • Fixed an issue where the countdown timer indicated that the reset will be performed at the beginning of Season 1. The reset will take place at the end of Season 1.
  • Vanity Atelier] Fixed an issue where the wrong currency symbol (gold) was displayed for items that should cost silver
  • In-Game News] The player is now correctly redirected to the additional details screen after using the “Details” button on the item.
  • Shop] Fixed an issue where the currency cost of items from vanity sets did not display the correct value
  • Investigations] Fixed an issue where the investigation icons on the map and compass HUD were not displayed correctly after using fast travel.
  • Helm Wager] The target outpost of Helm Wager is now marked on the compass and map
  • Helm Wager] The untrack button now appears as intended when placing the map cursor on the player carrying the Helm Wager chest
  • Legendary Heist] Fixed an issue where the heist route was not displayed on the Helm map after the player joined the opportunity
  • Fixed an issue where a placeholder text for the name of the sunk cutthroat freighter was displayed on the map
  • Fixed an issue where the timer for the Empire and the weekly season were not synchronized
  • Fixed an issue where 2 helmet supply markers were displayed on the map and compass when unlocking a store with roaming supplies
  • Fixed an issue where the damage taken indicator would persist even if the ship took no damage.
  • Black Market] Fixed several cases where the item names and descriptions for various vanities were displayed as placeholder text in all languages
  • Fixed an issue where in-game pop-ups would not display for the vanities you receive with the Premium Edition after purchasing from the Xbox Store
  • Helm Wager] Fixed an issue where the player was unable to join or exit the Helm Wager activity on the Empire Overview Map
  • Fixed an issue where pressing ‘Join Event’ during the opportunity notification would cause the map to open instead of joining
  • Vanity Atelier] Fixed an issue where the ‘Buy’ option is still displayed even if the player already owns the item
  • Other UI & Menu fixes


  • Fixed a control input that allowed players to unlock the helmet upgrade without being able to see the details of the upgrade


  • Voiceover] Robot voices are present in the dialog scene for the mission “The Devil’s Maw”
  • Fixed a problem where footsteps can only be heard on the left side of the headset
  • Fixed a problem with the sound when Greekfire keeps firing when the weapon is out of ammo


  • Epilepsy Tool] Fixed a bug with spatial patterns that occurred when navigating the knowledge menu
  • Text/voice chat] – The comment function now reads out the labels of the buttons in the chat window


  • ‘Pirate Assemble’ trophy is not unlocked for the player when joining the party of 2 friends by joining them from another world


  • Additional engine optimization integrated to reduce crashes due to device memory problems
  • Ubisoft Connect] Fixed an incorrect value in the game overview regarding the number of craftable ships
  • Loading] Optimized loading times that occur when entering or leaving the control office
  • Introduction] Fixed an issue where the player’s ship would sink even if they were not hit by reinforcements
  • Various localization corrections

    In addition to all these new features, the major update also revises some gameplay details and, above all, fixes a few bugs. For example, Ubisoft is tweaking the balance to present you with greater challenges