Skull & Bones: Joys & sorrows in the open beta


Yesterday, Ubisoft’s problem child Skull & Bones entered open beta. For the most part, the gaming community seems positively surprised. But some users are complaining about serious problems.

On February 8th , Ubisoft set sail and launched the open beta of Skull & Bones. If you want to experience an adventure on the high seas, you can still explore the open game world until February 11th. As a reward for your interest, you will receive ship decorations, an emote, a weapon and a Pandal Lemur pet. These bonuses will be transferred along with your game progress (up to Infamy Level 6) to the main game later on.

As the reviews on (Twitter) and (Reddit) show, the Skull & Bones community seems positively surprised. Most players describe a fundamentally positive experience, including a naval battle against the British fleet. In addition, there are smaller quests to complete, the fight against sharks and the search for clues to find the safe harbor of Saint-Anne.

Criticism of Skull & Bones

However, many users on Reddit are currently stating that they don’t want to pay the $70  demanded for the title. The quality of the game shown so far does not justify the proud price. In this country we “only” 60 euros have to fork out.
In response to these critical voices Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot (and explains) that Skull & Bones is a huge, comprehensive game. It is not just a AAA game, but a AAAA game that will be around for a long time. Only time will tell whether he is right with this prediction

If there are critical voices about Skull & Bones at the moment, these seem to be mainly limited to server problems . Although the game seems to have fallen out of favor with the community, the title still seems to attract huge crowds that overwhelm the servers. This is why there are frequent crashes and connection problems

On February 16 Skull & Bones will be officially released for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.