Skyrim Anniversary Edition could once again render all your mods useless

Die Skyrim Anniversary Edition


A Skyrim developer reveals why mod users should hold off on upgrading to the Anniversary Edition for now

Okay, let’s get real here: what would Skyrim be without mods? Simply not the same, which is why even 500 selected community contents will find their way into the game with the Skyrim Anniversary. But the new version will most likely make your existing mods unusable, as a developer now explains.

Be careful with the free upgrade

The Skyrim Anniversary Edition is a free upgrade for owners of the Special Edition. However, if you are using a lovingly compiled modlist, you should disablethe automatic updates for Skyrim on Steam at release

Adeveloper of Skyrim Special Edition explains why there will most likely be technical problems with mods for the current Skyrim version:

As part of the Anniversary Edition update, Bethesda has decided to change the compiler for the 64-bit version of Skyrim from Visual Studio 2015 to Visual Studio 2019. This changes the way code is generated in a way that forces modders to start completely from scratch to understand functions and notations. […]

Realistically, this means that the original mod scene will be broken – for an undetermined amount of time after the Anniversary Edition release.

Although texture packs shouldn’t be affected in theory, all gameplay mods and large projects like Beyond Skyrim would no longer work in Anniversary Edition.

This is not the first time there has been this problem

Those who have been using Skyrim mods or writing them themselves for a while may have unpleasant memories of the release of the Special Edition in light of this news – because here, too, the technical differences were too great to support all the mods in the original version. Many mods now offer a separate download for the Special Edition.

The difference: The Special Edition is a separate game on Steam and mods cannot be accidentally rendered unusable. With the automatic upgrade to the Anniversary Edition, on the other hand, many players could be in for an unpleasant surprise when the game is released on 11 November.

If you want all the info on the upcoming Anniversary Edition, you can find it in our big overview And you’ll find out why the Anniversary Editioncould be the boss for The Elder Scrolls 6!

How many mods are you currently using in Skyrim? Will you wait to upgrade? Tell us in the comments!