Skywind – The ambitious mod project shows significant progress for the Morrowind anniversary


For the 22nd anniversary of the third Elder Scrolls installment the creators of the Morrowind conversion “Skywind” have released a gigantic developer update

In over 27 minutes, the modders describe the progress of the update project so far and hardly leave out a single detail. From the level design and animations to the voice acting and music you get a comprehensive insight into the development of Skywind. Among other things, the video shows how great the city of Vivec already looks and which regions of Vvardenfell are already largely completed.

The developers are only missing one detail: There is still no release date for Skywind. They don’t want to set themselves an unnecessary deadline, but want to finish everything that needs to be finished in peace. But the end of the work is in sight, the team assures us.