SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos – A cool fighting game returns as a remaster after 20 years


Capcom is still known to many gaming fans in the West today, but SNK much less so. Both Japanese studios really pushed the genre of fighting games forward, especially in the 90s. Of course, Street Fighter reigns supreme on the Capcom side, but SNK has series such as Fatal Fury and King of Fighters to show for it. There have also been several collaborations between the two fighting professionals, in which characters from completely different fighting games have been unleashed on each other.

SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos from 2003 is also one of these cooperation classics and is based on King of Fighters in terms of gameplay. However, you can also compete here with Street Fighter characters such as Chun-Li, Ken or M. Bison. Plus some characters from various other Capcom brands such as Zero from Mega Man.

A remaster of the arcade and console classic was surprisingly unveiled at EVO 2024 and released immediately. The new edition is playable on Steam, Gog, PS4 and Nintendo Switch.