Someone played through Baldur’s Gate 3 on the hardest difficulty with only the most useless spell


YouTuber Fracture is known for his absurd experiments in Baldur’s Gate 3. Now he has succeeded in a particularly crazy challenge!

No one understands Baldur’s Gate 3 and its background mechanics better than YouTuber Fracture, who impressively demonstrates in a completely new but absolutely absurd approach to the game.

In a new video, he wants to prove that it is possible to play through the role-playing game using no offensive action other than True Strike. In German, the spell Zielsicherer Schlag is a magic trick that can be used indefinitely.

However, this spell is probably considered the worst ability in the entire game – a reputation that is also attached to the spell in the D&D template!

But not only did Fracture rely on this seemingly useless spell without exception during his latest playthrough, he also played the game in Honor Mode – the highest difficulty level ever, which comes with only a single save point to boot.

That was his tactic

Directly at the beginning of the video, the YouTuber sets the framework conditions, making life a lot harder for himself

He emphasizes that he really doesn’t use any offensive actions, apart from True Strike. So no exploding barrels or deadly corpses either. He also refrains from rushing to defeat the final boss using Gale’s special ability 

Instead, he decided to complete every fight at a snail’s pace and even take on optional bosses like Raphael. But first he had to be able to inflict any damage at all with True Strike

Why is True Strike so bad?

The magic trick has the effect that the next attack is rolled with advantage. Sounds good, but there are two hurdles. Firstly, the spell requires an entire action, during which I could simply attack. Secondly, it requires concentration and therefore blocks much better spells. In sum, it’s rare that anyone can bring themselves to actually cast this spell.

A pair of magic boots that inflict two stacks of Reverberation on enemies each time a condition is inflicted on the enemy is essential. This also applies to True Strike. When five of these stacks are reached, enemies take 1 to 4 points of thunder damage.

Absurdly long battles

The tactic is therefore to use special items, potions or even class abilities such as the Arcane Ward of a Summon Mage to avert as much damage as possible, and then slowly bleed enemies to death over time This sometimes leads to ridiculously long battles

Fracture kills the final boss in Act 2 after no less than 191 rounds of combat

Admittedly: Fracture finds many more ways to damage enemies without attacking them. For example, he kills Raphael by making one of his hirelings run in circles. Without a few heavy exploits and buggy mechanics, the whole thing would certainly have become even more complicated.

This experiment is not the only video of Fracture pushing the game to its limits. The YouTuber has already tried to play through the game on level 1 or just use the salami as a weapon.

As I said, he understands the game and its mechanics very, very well. He also seems to have the patience not to lose his mind during these experiments.