Someone subscribed to PlayStation Plus until 2050 – and there’s probably a plan behind it


A screenshot is making the rounds on Reddit that raises an interesting question: How far ahead do you plan when it comes to gaming?

Well, how long do your game subscriptions last? Another week? A month? Half a year? Pah, that’s small stuff! You have to think bigger! What if the bosses of Sony and Microsoft come up with the idea in 2035:Let’s make Game Pass / PlayStation Plus more expensive! And by a hefty ten Fluffys (that’s the world currency introduced to date).

To avoid this scenario, a Reddit user has put his money where his mouth is. In one photo, you can see that he has extended his PS Plus Deluxe subscription by a whopping 27 years This, of course, raises questions.

A questionable life hack

Is a Swabian behind it? No! The thrifty PlayStation gambler seems to be a person from Turkey. This is revealed by the currency seen in the picture. Well, the language has also done its part.

     A Turkish player subscribed PS Plus Deluxe until 2050 to avoid price increase
by       u/BassInternational550 in     playstation  

By the way, we have already converted for you: For the 27 years of carefree, the user has paid, according to the current exchange rate just once 417 euros and 96 cents, so about as much as for a PlayStation 5 or for a few luxury cars in Gran Turismo 7.

The thinking behind this: In the event of a price increase, Sony would no longer be able to hit him or her with the increased subscription costs. Another reason could be that the user simply wants to profit from the current exchange rate. What a clever fox!

Or not? As already noted on Reddit in the comments: It’s an open secret that you can actually regularly dust off very lucrative PS Plus annual subscriptions for a low price if you search this newfangled Internet.

This is how Reddit responds

It also doesn’t take long in the comments before an important question is raised: To the consideration Does this really save you money in the long run? replies another user: The better question is whether this service will even exist in 30 years.

Which brings us to the crux of this curious story: if Sony were to give up all those Fluffys in 2035 and shut down the service altogether, the user’s shot would backfire. Even a refund from Sony would not be guaranteed.

How long does your PS Plus subscription last? Or for that matter, your Game Pass subscription? Do you pay monthly, semi-annually or annually? Are you even about to follow the example of the Turkish user and extend it until 2050? We’re excited to hear what your strategy is for the future, so feel free to post your thoughts in the comments!