Sons of the Forest is here! All info on release, price and download


Sons of the Forest is finally here! We give you all the info on the Early Access game so you”re perfectly prepared

The 1 most wanted game on Steam is finally here! We”ll give you all the Early Access info you need again for Sons of the Forest ”s launch.

Update 02/23/2023, 8:57 PM: After initial Steam problems at launch, the shop seems to be working again and you can now buy and download Sons of the Forest as normal.

The most important information at a glance

Time of release: When will Sons of the Forest be released?

Sons of the Forest is available now on Steam. If you”re not sure whether the survival game will run on your computers, you can find the system requirements here:

How much does Sons of the Forest cost?

The survival game costs 28.99 Euroon Steam. Despite the short-term switch to an Early Access release, the price is not expected to change

Download: How big is Sons of the Forest?

The download of Sons of the Forest is about 13GB. On the Steam page, a free space of 20GB is recommended.

What”s in the Early Access of Sons of the Forest?

The developers were actually planning a full release, but now the survival game is being released in Early Access like its predecessor The Forest. The new map is supposed to be a lot bigger than its predecessor. In addition, we can expect a new building system, companion AIs and a fresh storyline.

Naturally, there are also a lot of new crafting options and weapons. More items are to be added in the next few months, potential balancing changes have also been announced.

When will Early Access end?

The developers are planning a six to eight-month Early Access phase. However, this can still change, as Endnight Games announced on Steam. We will leave Early Access as soon as we are sure it is the best possible version of the game

When does Early Access end?

The developers are planning on a six to eight month Early Access phase. However, this can still change, as Endnight Games (shares on Steam). We will leave Early Access as soon as we are sure that it is the best possible version of the game.

Will you head straight into the dark forest full of cannibals and mutants tonight or will you rather wait out Early Access? What new features and improvements are you hoping for in Sons of the Forest? Feel free to let us know in the comments!