The rush for the long-awaited survival hope is huge. Only a few hours after its Early Access launch, the internet is talking about one thing above all: Kelvin.
We love Kelvin! The AI companion and helper is one of the big innovations in the sequel to the survival hit The Forest. In Sons of the Forest our protagonist survives a helicopter crash. The only other survivor: Kelvin.
But what makes him so lovable now? Kelvin is like a golden retriever who happily carries out any orders we give him. He cuts down trees for us, catches fish with his bare hands and sets up shelter in seconds.
Kelvin can thus be a great help – but keeps putting his foot in his mouth and seems completely unaware of his mistakes. We love him for that in the editorial team. And players are already busy posting their funniest moments with the AI companion on Reddit and the like.
Kelvin – A blessing and a plague
Our first encounter with Kelvin is not long in coming
Our tester and survival expert Alex and I of course immediately tried out what our new friend can do. While he is particularly useful when it comes to small hunger pangs – after all, he retrieves fish until I call “Stop!” again – he sometimes still has a hard time with other small tasks.
For example, take a look at the shelter he built for us. He simply covered a rock with a tarpaulin. So now, when Alex and I want to sleep, we have to approach the tent from a very specific angle so that the sleep icon appears. Well done, Kelvin!

Kelvin, destroyer of structures
Reddit users are already sharing their first “Oh, Kelvin” moments with the Forest community. User Factorism, for example, just wanted to build a tree house after all. Kelvin thought it was a good idea to cut down the tree to which the structure was attached. Give him a moment, maybe he”ll figure out for himself what went wrong!
Tree hut almost finished when Kelvin decides to cut down the tree holding it up to finish it.
by u/Factorism in SonsOfTheForest
Twitter user Anton had something similar happen. Here, however, Kelvin is unaware of any blame and proudly sticks his thumb in the air after demolishing the structure:
Kevin is an idiot! @EndNightGame fun game sonsoftheforest
– Anton (@AntonFromYT) February 24, 2023
Kelvin also likes to drop tree trunks on players” heads, run fearlessly towards cannibals we wanted to stay away from for the time being, or scare players when he suddenly appears silently next to them.
I think Kelvin is mad at me.
by u/Leprechaunlock in SonsOfTheForest
But when we see Kelvin snuggled up comfortably by the fire, we can”t stay mad at the somewhat dimwitted AI! Have you already experienced funny moments with Kelvin? Or did you “turn him off” right at the beginning? well, “switched him off”? Feel free to tell us about your play experiences in the comments!