Sons of the Forest: Virginia has disappeared? This is how you get her back


The NPC companion Virginia likes to stand around or disappears completely into thin air and doesn”t come back to the base. Our guide will help you out.

Sons of the Forest is already thrilling thousands of fans in Early Access, but in some places you can clearly tell that the survival hit really needs more development time. For example, companion Virginia often disappears – sometimes she doesn”t come back to the base for no apparent reason. But don”t worry, with our guide you”ll get her back quickly.

First, we”ll explain a few simple things you can try in the game itself. If that doesn”t work, you”ll find detailed step-by-step instructions below on how to make the mutant spawn again.

  • These are the steps you should try first.
  • If this doesn”t work: How to spawn Virginia at your base

These are the steps you should try first

Reload: Sometimes this is a bug that can be fixed by a complete restart of the game. 

Wait and see: If you have just recruited Virginia, it may take a while for her to visit your camp. In Sons of the Forest, time can be skipped by sleeping. After one or two ingame days, Virginia will sometimes appear.

(Not a picture error: as a mutant, Virginia really does have three legs.)
(Not a picture error: as a mutant, Virginia really does have three legs.)

Is Virginia dead, maybe? Sons of the Forest is ruthless and has activated Friendly Fire – that is, if you accidentally hit your AI comrades in the back with the axe, they die. This can happen quickly in the fight against cannibals and mutants without you noticing. There”s no real resurrection function, but don”t panic!

How to spawn Virginia at your base

Virginia still missing? No problem, as long as Kelvin is at your base, you can let her spawn there. By the way, it also works the other way round! Just follow the step-by-step instructions from our freelance writer Nicole:

  • Press Win+R and type appdata in the search field
  • A window will open where you can select LocalLow.
  • Look for the path Endnight☻SonsOfTheForest☻Saves☻. 
  • There you will see a folder with a long number, open it
  • In the folder you will see the save path (e.g. SinglePlayer) and then a list of your savegames.
  • The best way to sort them is by the date they were changed.
  • At the top you will logically find the game that you last saved.
  • After opening the file, look for the file SaveData

Important: It is best to copy the SaveData file to a safe location so you have the old version in case something goes wrong. You should always do this when modding or changing the save files.

  • In SaveData, search for “TypeId”:9 (Kelvin”s position in the world).
  • After an entry of this there are coordinates, e.g. Position\”:{\”x\”:-1909.544,\”y\”:6.45482063,\”z\”:-1397.47522}
  • You copy everything between { }
  • Now look in the text file for TypeId”:10 (Virginia”s position in the world)
  • There are also coordinates behind it
  • Replace the XYZ values there with the ones you just copied from Kelvin.
  • Make sure you paste them inside the { }.
  • Add 5 to the Y value to avoid Virginia spawning in Kelvin

After that you can save the file and open Sons of the Forest. Virginia should now be walking around the base again (or near it) and from now on help in the fight against the cannibals.

Variant 2: Virginia is there, but Kelvin has disappeared

You proceed almost exactly as in variant 1 (see instructions above), but swap “Typfeld”:9 and “Typfeld”:10.

  • First search for TypeId”:10 (Virginia”s position)
  • Copies everything between { }
  • Searches the text file for TypeId”:9
  • Replace the XYZ values there with the ones you just copied from Virginia.
  • Make sure you paste them inside the { }
  • Add 5 to the Y value to avoid Kelvin spawning in Virginia

Save the file and open Sons of the Forest normally. Now Kelvin should be at your base. Fortunately: The sometimes dorky, but always very trying NPC has long since captured the heart of the GlobalESportNews community.

Have you ever lost one of your companions – or maybe even both? Did you transport them back to the base or did they fall victim to a tragic accident (we”ll take your word for it, ahem)? Feel free to share your NPC stories in the comments below this guide!