Splinter Cell: Remake is coming! First info on the remake of the classic


The new, old Splinter Cell relies on the powerful Snowdrop engine. But it’s still quite a while until the release.

The rumours are true: Splinter Cell is getting a real remake. So not a polished up remake, but a remake developed from scratch. Fans have been hoping for years that Ubisoft would continue the popular series. Various hints strengthened the suspicion that something could be moving in that direction.

And now the sneak cat is officially out of the bag: Ubisoft is relying on the modern Snowdrop engine to lift the stealth classic into the present. This brings to bear the powerful code framework that already technically powers The Division 2 and the upcoming Avatar game.

All info on the Splinter Cell remake

What is currently known

In a (blog post) Ubisoft goes into more detail about the claim of the Splinter Cell remake. According to this, it is primarily intended to capture the spirit of the early games in the series. The developers recognise that players have high expectations of remakes in this respect.

Remake should remain true to the original: Well aware of its own core competencies, Ubisoft also promises that the game will not have an open world, but will rely on tube levels like the original. In addition to the more modern graphics, however, the new Splinter Cell will at least feature modern comfort functions. In marketing terms, Ubisoft calls this Stealth Action Redefined.

The gameplay is also to concentrate on the core of the brand: Recognising situations, observing enemies, acting unnoticed and tactically. But the developers also want to keep dense atmosphere and harsh consequences for even the smallest mistake.

Innovations and improvements planned: At the same time, Ubisoft also wants to find out which old elements can simply no longer exist some 20 years later, where improvements are needed and how this can still preserve the spirit of the original. So not everything is set in stone as far as the Splinter Cell remake is concerned.

So Ubisoft doesn’t want to reinvent the sneaky wheel, but build on the original strengths and improve them where that seems necessary. So far, that sounds like a lot of the virtues that fans would want from a Splinter Cell remake.

When will there be new info?

Release still a long way off: It will probably be quite a while before the Splinter Cell remake is released. According to Ubisoft’s Matt West, the game is currently still in a very early stage of development. It will also take some time before Ubisoft ramps up a major marketing campaign and publishes the first game scenes accordingly.