Spongebob at the Super Bowl? After 23 years, a big fan dream actually comes true!


If you’re watching the Super Bowl 2024, you can already prepare yourself for a real highlight: Spongebob performs Sweet Victory!

If you know and love Spongebob, you can’t avoid one of the best and most popular episodes of the whole series: 23(!) years ago, in season 2, episode 15 Listen Who’s Playing the animated sponge drummed up a band to deliver a legendary performance at the Bubble Bowl This of course refers to Sweet Victory.

Since then, fans have demanded (sometimes more, sometimes less seriously) that such an appearance would also look damn good in the real Super Bowl. Following the death of Spongebob creator Stephen Hillenburg, a petition was even launched in 2018, which collected over 1,200,000 signatures.

Sweet Victory at the Super Bowl 2024

And lo and behold: this dream will actually become reality in 2024! As the official account of CBS Sports at X (formerly Twitter) announces, Spongebob will be performing live at the Super Bowl this year. The legendary scene will be recreated in 3D CGI to let Spongebob and the band shine in new splendor. A first picture is already available here:

A Spongebob scene for eternity

The Spongebob episode in question was broadcast for the first time on October 4, 2002. The musicians responsible for Sweet Victory are Bob Kulick and David Glen Eisley – the latter even performed the song himself. (No, Spongebob is not the real singer of Sweet Victory – sorry to disappoint you.)

With the following video you can already get into the party mood:

The event will take place on the night of February 11 to 12, 2024.

Will you be watching the Super Bowl 2024 live or will the sporting event leave you cold? What do you think of the fact that Spongebob is now actually allowed to perform Sweet Victory on the big stage? Are you happy about it or could you do without it with a clear conscience? Let us know in the comments – we’d love to hear your opinion!