Stalker 2 pays clever homage to its legendary predecessor


There are a number of Easter Eggs to discover in Stalker 2. If you look closely, you can even find the main menu from its predecessor in the open world.

17 years ago, we were able to explore the radioactive exclusion zone around the nuclear power plant for the first time in Shadows of Chernobyl Now we return in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl and a lot has changed. But like many fans, the developers also like to indulge in nostalgia and keep reminding us of the debut work.

So hidden in the current title, for example, is a well-hidden Easter Egg that will make experienced stalkers smile.

The main menu 2.0

The Turkish content creator Muaxh03has released a video in which he roams the zone of Stalker 2 and shows places inspired by Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. The highlight is probably the remains of a camp that is modeled in great detail on the legendary main menu from part 1.

The only thing missing is the lettering, and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is much further away in Stalker 2. However, long-time fans will no doubt already have the menu music from Shadow of Chernobyl in their ears at the sight of this. But that’s not all from Part 1.

Sidorovich, a trader, is probably still remembered by most stalkers who explored the zone in Shadow of Chernobyl. Even if they don’t necessarily have positive memories, after all, he is a money-hungry, unsympathetic character.

Sidorovich also makes an appearance in Stalker 2 and has not improved in character – quite the opposite. However, he bids us farewell in his bunker with the words “Good hunting, stalker!” – exactly what he said to us on our very first foray into the zone in Shadow of Chernobyl.

Sidorovich may not be a philanthropist, but he is one of the most legendary Stalker figures. Not only does he play a major role in Shadow of Chernobyl and is the first person we meet in the Zone, but he also appears again in Stalker: Clear Sky. You will need to collect information from him for a favor during a quest.

Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl has now sold over a million copies, despite being released directly on Xbox and PC Game Pass at launch and a version for Playstation 5 is still missing. Accordingly, there were many stalkers on Steam at release. At times, there were even over 120,000 players active at the same time.